BNOs 係英國買物業情況
ukengineer 2021-5-6 16:28:31

Hong Kong citizens rush to buy London houses after UK government opens doors

The number of people from Hong Kong purchasing homes in the capital has shot up since the UK government announced a new visa welcoming residents from the former British colony, earlier in 2021.

According to new figures from Benham & Reeves — one of London's biggest private letting agents — transactions by Hong Kong buyers rose 144% in London since July last year.

This is when prime minister Boris Johnson announced the visa scheme for some three million Hong Kong holders. the letting agents said.

An estimated 51,228 residential properties have been sold across London, since the announcement of the BNO visa. This is down 35% when compared to the 51,228 homes sold between July 2019 to April 2020.

In the period between July 2020 and April 2021, Hong Kong nationals bought 1,932 London homes, compared to 793 in the same period in 2019.

The Hong Kong British National Overseas (BNO) visa allows eligible applicants to enter or remain in the UK for up to five years. Applicants and their family members will be able to live, work and study in Britain, under the scheme but will not have access to public funds.

Across prime central London alone, transactions are estimated to have dropped 45% during the period.

However, while the London market has stuttered, the research found Hong Kong nationals accounted for around 4% of London's property market activity, since July 2020 due to the BNO visa.

This was 1% in the same time period the previous year.

As a result, Benham and Reeves estimated Hong Kong buyers bought some 270 homes in the prime London market since the announcement.

Marc von Grundherr, director of the estate agent, said Britain had always been a popular destination for Hong Kong property buyers.

He added: "This has certainly been bolstered by the offer of the BNO visa and for the first time in some 30 years, our Hong Kong office saw more interest from those looking to buy versus those looking to invest during the first quarter of the year

"Some of this activity is being seen in the very high-end London market, but in fact, much of the demand coming from Hong Kong is focussed around more average market price thresholds."

Looking ahead, the company anticipates transactions by Hong Kong nationals to "grow in prominence" in the coming months bolstered by the easing of the COVID travel restrictions in the UK.

Britain first announced the extension of the visa passports in May last year in response to China pushing through controversial national security laws in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, was a British territory until 1997 when it was handed back to the Chinese government.

Under the terms of the deal Hong Kong would exist on a "one country, two systems" basis for a minimum of 50 years — while China was communist and autocratic, Hong Kong would maintain a capitalist and democratic system.

But, China has been backtracking on the agreement and the security law last year was seen as effectively ending the "one country, two systems."

The national security law criminalises criticism of the Chinese Communist party. The law allows police to arrest activists for subversion, secession and collusion with foreign forces. The rule effectively bans protests.

Beijing’s crackdown resulted in prominent pro-democracy figures in Hong Kong being arrested since it was imposed last summer and exiled others.


咁報導法, 唔知好/壞事.


小林尊絲 2021-5-6 16:38:14 此回覆已被刪除
ukengineer 2021-5-6 16:41:59 每間一開五 => 英國政府捉得嚴.
ukengineer 2021-5-6 16:47:36

Local Councils 係會做野. 俾人捉左, 5 年後一定申請唔到ILR, 因為pass唔到 Good Character check 個一 part.

Health and safety issues
It is important that your property is well maintained and free from serious hazards. Your local authority has a duty to take action if your property has deficiencies that could pose a serious threat to the tenants. Also, if your tenant has a complaint about the condition of the property, it is your responsibility to repair it. If you don’t, your tenant can ask the local authority to carry out an inspection, after which the authority may take action.

serve an improvement notice
serve an emergency prohibition notice
issue a civil penalty of up to £30,000, depending on the specific circumstances.
For further information on maintaining a property free of hazards, please see the
向學長問安 2021-5-6 16:48:49 好快成個倫敦都係劏房!
終須有日龍穿鳳 2021-5-6 16:50:23 在英國是合法的,council 要檢查消防個啲
ukengineer 2021-5-6 16:58:14 你買5 bedroom house, 可以將所有房出租,不過唔可以自己改間格, 將五房改到成7/8/9間房.
向學長問安 2021-5-6 16:59:56 仲諗住拎兩千幾萬劏返八十幾間房賺下香港人錢
ukengineer 2021-5-6 17:17:51

Since October this year, rooms used for sleeping by one person over 10 years old have had to be at least 6.51 square metres, and those slept in by two people over 10 years old will have had to at least 10.22 square metres.
Rooms slept in by children of 10 years and younger have had to be at least 4.64 square metres.

XO醬 2021-5-6 19:13:17 香港人過到去唔係租就買㗎啦
ukengineer 2021-5-6 21:19:27 對好多英格蘭嘅人嚟講 倫敦嘅樓價已經升到唔合理
如果真係太多BNOs 嘅人集中喺倫敦 呢啲大城市 如果人數夠多 推高個樓價 一般人會開始反感 唔係好事 唔好話諗bno平權 隨時而家五加一個方案 都幾年內玩完

我覺得香港人嚟到英國 分散好啲 太集中住埋一個城 好容易畀支共滲透


火撚鳥 2021-5-7 00:47:41 你憑乜管人去邊
ukengineer 2021-5-7 01:00:16 我無話管, 只係我個人意見.
百粵箭神_熊渠 2021-5-7 08:19:09 此回覆已被刪除
ukengineer 2021-5-7 13:56:07 以前唐人街 未有大陸人之前 好多鋪頭都係香港人開 個度一樣烏煙瘴氣

香港交友幾百萬黃絲聚居 唔見有咩大作為
豬hi八格野郎 2021-5-7 14:25:15 散先易比人擊破喎
ukengineer 2021-5-7 18:29:43 依家又唔係打仗, 點會比人擊破....我係英國快廿年, 從來無乜中國人搵我.
忠诚的废物 2021-5-7 18:39:43 跟本外國有錢住郊外 無錢先住市中心
橙頭神經刀 2021-5-8 00:15:38 ldn其實還好 本身都多唔同種族既人
man先誇張 勁多香港人

ukengineer 2021-5-8 00:36:56 只係十七,八年前去過一次Man見工, 無乜印象.

Ldn 除左 zones 1,2 & 5/6, 加少少西面, 其他地方唔似英國人ge地方, 似去左南非, 印巴.
普和廸夫 2021-5-8 05:12:49 我覺得報導得幾中肯,冇煽情,冇曲解事實


Peter. 2021-5-8 05:16:15 香港人 買樓
Sifu 2021-5-8 06:00:31 事實上有冇香港人都大把劏房
ukengineer 2021-5-8 06:08:58 我以前喺香港 80年代學識睇報紙 嗰陣時報新聞冇而家咁多加鹽加醋
精選萬里望花生 2021-5-8 09:47:39 唔知樓主有冇揾開樓
始終減stamp duty個policy唔係淨係俾香港人咁簡單