[BYULHARANG]金請夏討論區(2) - SOLO出道4週年快樂!!!!
博物館館長 2021-7-3 21:22:42 https://twitter.com/chungha_files/status/1411280423473147913?s=21


博物館館長 2021-7-4 18:01:39 https://twitter.com/lem0narchive/status/1411621571471478784?s=21
博物館館長 2021-7-4 20:20:47 https://twitter.com/chunghacharts/status/1411660520931815432?s=21
博物館館長 2021-7-4 22:54:16
博物館館長 2021-7-5 14:24:41 Hello. This is MNH Entertainment.
We would like to inform you about the extension of the 2nd term membership of Chung Ha’s official fan club BYULHARANG.

The 2nd term membership period was supposed to end on July 31st,
but the period will be automatically extended for a while for the 2nd term membership holders.

▶ Period of extension: From July 31, 2021 to TBA

The membership benefits are maintained during the extension period, and we will inform you of the ending date of the extension period in the future.
We would like to apologize to all the fans who were waiting for the recruitment of BYULHARANG-3rd term membership and are disappointed by this news.

We would like to sincerely thank you for always supporting and showing love for Chung Ha.
We’ll make effort to repay your love with better music and promotions.
Thank you.

唔知大公司幾時搞掂晒 唔敢開第三期

不過唔該保護好金請夏 告晒班惡評友
博物館館長 2021-7-5 18:10:48 https://twitter.com/chunghaglobal/status/1411989701221777412?s=21

博物館館長 2021-7-6 16:02:29

博物館館長 2021-7-7 00:24:22 https://twitter.com/chunghathinker/status/1412434816088391690?s=21
博物館館長 2021-7-8 12:17:53 https://twitter.com/hwasacharts/status/1412774654247321600?s=21
博物館館長 2021-7-8 14:28:03
博物館館長 2021-7-8 18:25:20 https://youtu.be/DUR0CL7bXbI


博物館館長 2021-7-8 22:07:28 https://twitter.com/chunghacharts/status/1413105098490736648?s=21
博物館館長 2021-7-9 01:35:47 https://twitter.com/onlyidealofidol/status/1413174576603795458?s=21
博物館館長 2021-7-11 15:03:24 https://twitter.com/chunghacharts/status/1414106079303127042?s=21
彩妍隻鹿 2021-7-11 15:33:54
博物館館長 2021-7-11 15:48:56
博物館館長 2021-7-11 16:42:36
博物館館長 2021-7-12 17:37:28 https://twitter.com/sffton/status/1414512598372872195?s=21
一姐當年pick me無鏡頭
博物館館長 2021-7-12 18:52:45 近日,韓國YouTube「橫七竪八研究所」頻道的金龍浩記者也就此事直播爆料稱:「賣淫大佬門事件主犯金泰宇曾在浦項泳池別墅中對知名人士進行了性招待,其中包括著名女團成員。」





就係呢個肥佬 好彩無咩韓國人講請夏
博物館館長 2021-7-12 22:21:40 https://twitter.com/chunghaglobal/status/1414566740218966023?s=21
博物館館長 2021-7-14 21:43:24 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRS3-t1nXXk/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


博物館館長 2021-7-15 17:39:48 https://twitter.com/chunghaglobal/status/1415596154402742275?s=21
博物館館長 2021-7-15 18:08:50
博物館館長 2021-7-15 18:12:41 https://youtu.be/zrfK359wVDs
溫酒大法好 2021-7-15 19:39:07 咁玻璃心唔好追星啦