2020/2021 MT/GT 集中討論區 (10)
亂世之子 2021-5-4 19:55:47 似係final 我都唔清楚


EricHKU 2021-5-4 20:43:31 Received the invitation to the final interview for the professional opportunities just now.
The email said that "regretfully you have not been able to be shortlisted for MT Panel Interview". Besides, the requirement of PO seems lower than that of MT.
I guess PO is PT.
So, what is the salary of GT and are there opportunities for development as a GT?
Joey(低調) 2021-5-4 20:52:43 咁你黎緊既interview 係present 定panel in?
mayday55555 2021-5-4 21:00:07 琴日收到video in 不過未做
バトラー 2021-5-4 21:57:49 Same ask
大偽術家 2021-5-4 22:09:57 btw知唔知人工幾多
唐田英里佳 2021-5-4 22:45:18 我30都無消息
你的留言將會顯示 2021-5-4 22:52:55 有冇人收到 dfs digital ac??
懷仔 2021-5-5 01:49:26
唔好叫我個名 2021-5-5 01:56:39 領展mt 出左?
雪糕糯米糍 2021-5-5 06:03:43 有冇人收到李錦記second in


向日葵向月 2021-5-5 08:45:39
最好唔駛做 2021-5-5 09:05:41 知唔知其實有幾多個headcount
20歲(失業) 2021-5-5 09:20:50 JLL GT有冇人有second in?
laimooooo 2021-5-5 11:11:56 我覺得應該得1個headcount
列士登支敦 2021-5-5 11:17:38 有下一round?過咗vi之後咩消息都冇
ETH2.0(失業中) 2021-5-5 11:52:59 收到hop lun MT offer
嘻呀嘻呀嘻 2021-5-5 11:55:14 想知+1
豆腐火腩飯(青島) 2021-5-5 11:58:48 大昌行出咗second in 未?
百事快樂 2021-5-5 12:02:02
咖喱牛 2021-5-5 12:18:32


167長腿姐姐 2021-5-5 12:43:15 做完online test之後收到gp in
好撚廢嘅廢青 2021-5-5 12:51:20 有冇人過咗dfs ac之後有update
你阿媽呃你阿爸 2021-5-5 12:55:07 係咪去九龍灣group in?
167長腿姐姐 2021-5-5 13:00:18 係呀