美股半導體集中討論區 III
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-12 23:51:19 Invesco之前好鬼on9

仲有呢啲機會可以all in


Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-13 09:37:49 韓股直線咁跌,睇到我都驚

天天上學 2021-8-14 00:35:02 到左短線目標了
利君雅(暴走) 2021-8-14 02:11:48 MS 未收夠貨 繼續
夜子若+ 2021-8-17 11:08:51 撈底未
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-19 06:00:19 Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA):

Q2 Non-GAAP EPS of $1.04 beats by $0.02;

GAAP EPS of $0.94 beats by $0.12.

Revenue of $6.51B (+68.2% YoY) beats by $170M.

Record Gaming revenue of $3.06 billion, up 85 percent YoY

Record Data Center revenue of $2.37 billion, up 35 percent YoY
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-19 06:00:56

深紅之王 2021-8-19 06:06:37 Intc入貨
kaaa 2021-8-19 09:10:24

MU is G
炸薯仔 2021-8-19 09:21:41 Mu咩事變咗廢柴
kaaa 2021-8-19 09:32:13 份嘢未睇哂
但大約係話cycle 同埋未來幾個月都會收皮
而ddr5 短期內未必幫到手


NVIDIA 2021-8-19 09:48:55 今年有望收過百億
kaaa 2021-8-19 09:52:55 Inflection signposts – sell signals accumulate. We were prepared to become more constructive under the right conditions, but ultimately it is about inflections in the cycle and trajectory of earnings estimate revision breadth – the former approaching an earlier peak YoY pricing and latter approaching negative earnings risk that follows. Our belief is that: (i) the next cyclical downturn begins from 1Q22 and DRAM will stay fundamentally oversupplied in 2022, exacerbated by inventory builds; (ii) recent growth indicators have downticked, while demand held back by component supply; (iii) valuation is no longer compelling on the way down; and tactically buying on the dip no longer makes sense from a quant perspective – we expect better entry points in future.
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-19 09:56:16 2018同2021個trend其實inline with SK Hynix講法
冇所謂嘅2年嘅cycle,而係平穩demand 有spike咁解
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-19 10:03:23 我啲Samsung都仆咗街
個董事長出獄都救唔到 唉
雙頭鷹的眼睛 2021-8-19 11:24:14 1001後繼續討論

美股半導體集中討論區 IV
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
kaaa 2021-8-19 21:40:18 冇留意SK
metal_bar 2021-8-19 22:55:53 此回覆已被刪除
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-19 23:28:05 就係我呢句
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-19 23:53:22 呢間嘢forward PE 44
metal_bar 2021-8-19 23:54:55 此回覆已被刪除


Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-19 23:56:37 我記得Jim Keller喺Intel其中一個task係改造條team
用返industry standard tools,我研究下先

Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-20 02:47:44

鴿鴿不入(熊軍) 2021-8-20 05:22:27 此回覆已被刪除
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-8-20 05:23:32 不嬲係Intel 10nm enhanced superfin = 台積電7nm