美股半導體集中討論區 III
NVIDIA 2021-5-4 22:12:45 唔係幾關嘅 咩都得咁滯 除咗幾隻大工業股


Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-4 22:13:42 amat -5% 仲多過nvidia
獌獸擂噸 2021-5-4 22:17:42 UMC
梳士擺喺度 2021-5-4 22:18:59 此回覆已被刪除
Unity147蚊苦主 2021-5-4 22:19:14 amat tsm mu
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-4 22:19:32 soxs先係
路易四四一十六 2021-5-4 22:19:40 而家SOX高位retreat1成,睇下你覺得仲有冇得跌
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-4 22:28:15 竟然綠
Serra 2021-5-4 22:28:21 爛泥扶唔上柄
肺明奴 2021-5-4 22:28:57 此回覆已被刪除
NVIDIA 2021-5-4 22:30:03 應該跌多一成至夠皮


獌獸擂噸 2021-5-4 22:30:46 btw ASX 仲紅緊
梳士擺喺度 2021-5-4 22:54:31 此回覆已被刪除
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-4 23:01:08 asx算係咁
愛上晨光的禍 2021-5-4 23:08:20 留名等睇30蚊鐵底
肺明奴 2021-5-4 23:15:53 此回覆已被刪除
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-4 23:16:57 今日個量應該有答案
路易四四一十六 2021-5-5 08:21:48 4/5
費城半導體指數 (SOX)
股價 3024.31 漲跌 ▼-49.07 漲幅 -1.60%
連登半導體指數 (LISI)
股價 993.83 漲跌 ▼-15.59 漲幅 -1.54%
Arianrhod 2021-5-5 08:22:57 amd轉升

Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-5 09:49:33 tsm應該係有利好消息姐,喺美國起6間廠

Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-5 11:52:46 The sell-off in chip stocks on supply worries is overshadowing reasons to buy them, says Bank of America

buy rating on Applied Materials, its top pick, as well as on KLA-Tencor, Lam Research, Nova Measuring Instruments and Teradyne,

"Media reports are chock-full of news of chip shortages leading one to incorrectly believe the semis industry has shut down and gone on a holiday,"

"Strong [financial results] beats/outlooks have been received with stock selloffs, suggesting four walls of concerns," including that the widespread chip shortage is now being perceived as constraining as opposed to driving pricing power.

auto production to accelerate to +10% in 2021, +9.7% in 2022

smartphone to accelerate to 8% to 10% growth 2021

PC is likely to exceed 15%-20%

"Furthermore, vendor focus on engaging in non-cancellable, non-returnable (NCNR) orders for 2022 should enhance long-term visibility," said BofA



りき 2021-5-5 12:04:16 即係鬼佬多文盲?
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-5 12:27:23 大戶:唔跌點買

獌獸擂噸 2021-5-5 18:30:23 ASX 幾時反彈
羅曉聰 2021-5-5 23:22:24 安森美 target price 升左