美股半導體集中討論區 III
忘了時間的佬 2021-5-4 17:25:22 有冇人有睇隻CREE?


回力鏢 2021-5-4 17:42:54 成長股
醉噯童童 2021-5-4 17:51:41 Soxx 4個月先升得10%
百分百粉葛 2021-5-4 18:07:52 個管理層鳩鳩地。幾年前話賣晒啲晶片業務要 focus 係 led, 結果唔批賣唔到。上年又變左賣晒啲led業務要 focus 係晶片
我唔識改名 2021-5-4 18:09:06 台積同三星做左20大公司,好難再大升,睇其他公司有冇能力上
https 2021-5-4 18:49:10 其實股票咁先正常
嘲笑師 2021-5-4 18:51:09 指數每年1倍俾你好無
肺明奴 2021-5-4 18:54:03 此回覆已被刪除
https 2021-5-4 18:58:48 去澳門有機會1000%
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-4 19:38:00 The third person, from a TSMC supplier involved in the Arizona project, said TSMC had told them the plan was to build a total of six fabs over the next three years.

你教我點輸 2021-5-4 19:39:39 已經無乜好消息令到佢升。啲幾年後既野。講黎都唔識郁


Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-4 19:40:33 Supply has been a topic since 2019, really since the end of 2018. Intel continues to increase our capacity by two fold over those years. We’re continuing to build more and more, amd we’re continuing to increase our investments in CapEx as you heard Pat talk about. The real thing here is that demand continues to be strong and with COVID and the pandemic it has gotten even stronger.

But what we’re now seeing is that there are new industry and ecosystem challenges where the rest of the component ecosystem can’t keep up. Whether it’s Wi-Fi components, substrates, panels, those are now kind of the bottleneck to the next level of explosive growth. So you might be able to find a CPU, but you may not be able to find a panel, or a battery, or some other component to actually be able to finish that kit.

金J人 2021-5-4 19:44:47 澳門一分鐘100%
路易四四一十六 2021-5-4 20:02:46 老實講你咁嘅投資心態買咩都收皮
醉噯童童 2021-5-4 20:06:53 我只係唔明半導近年賺咁多都升咁少
肺明奴 2021-5-4 20:08:22 此回覆已被刪除
路易四四一十六 2021-5-4 20:10:34 其實已經升咗好多囉喎,2018年5月SOX大約係1300點,而家已經講緊3000點,你成個行業revenue而家比起18年都仲係低,咁都算少?
Yuukiyoda 2021-5-4 20:11:07 82買左amd 買完未升過
咖啡奶茶或我 2021-5-4 20:16:36 asml
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-4 20:20:22 舊年升得太多,好難再爆升

NVIDIA 2021-5-4 21:54:31 又逼害我


生抽王 2021-5-4 21:56:03
肺明奴 2021-5-4 21:59:02 此回覆已被刪除
魂遊 2021-5-4 22:01:36
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-5-4 22:09:52 我見啲Blockchain股都跌到仆街