Citibank 開戶 and everything Citibank (8)
鴻鵠之志 2021-6-3 17:54:30


蒸裂DICK女人 2021-6-4 02:03:49 冇轉
citiplus 入面直頭有個priority卡thumbnail
台灣佬🇹🇼 2021-6-4 02:07:32 笑左
連豬老婆 2021-6-4 10:52:05
十方 2021-6-4 12:49:35 好感動 成功電話開戶 全程都係一個禮拜
十方 2021-6-4 12:53:59 決定陣間去買注六合彩
十方 2021-6-4 13:22:18 想問下plus有冇TT免手續費?
新奇士 2021-6-4 14:50:23
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-6-4 14:58:48 冇手續費
新奇士 2021-6-4 15:07:10 Thx
老母炒蟹 2021-6-4 15:10:16 有, 免手續費, 但係每次TT都要手動轉 由我承擔, 一唔記得就收你錢


…………………… 2021-6-4 15:42:50 應該係揀 SHA?
我估應該無理由揀 BEN/OUR
老母炒蟹 2021-6-4 16:03:06 揀our , 預設係 share=共同承擔
1137癲佬 2021-6-4 16:15:59 咁多頁典爬牙= =
提古雷查夫 2021-6-4 17:32:41 真係唔知點解,我個ac都無左個priority字樣。但同日望我朋友登入,佢個ac就仍然有顯示priority
Lordmolee 2021-6-4 17:53:06 我之前send email 佢email番填張form
鳩up王 2021-6-4 18:12:27 早幾日上左門市話cut 股票戶口
Lordmolee 2021-6-4 18:19:41 今日開apps發覺無咗priority

因幡の白兎 2021-6-4 18:29:36 有無得share 張form..
Lordmolee 2021-6-4 18:30:52 無嘢了 原來係個app改咗
Lordmolee 2021-6-4 18:36:08 If close the stock account only, please be advised to download "Banking
/ Investment Account Closure Request" and submit the completed form from
the following steps for our further handling. Please state the Stock
account number and your instruction with close the stock account only in
the account closure form.

• Visit Citibank Online
• Form Centre
• Banking
• Banking/Investment Account Closure Request

Thank you for banking with us. It is always a pleasure serving you.


伊原摩耶花 2021-6-6 14:49:43
真·方丈 2021-6-6 21:30:44 真係?
老母炒蟹 2021-6-6 21:34:36
天昏地闇 2021-6-8 15:29:33 citi點用app開基金戶口,問左客服,佢講既野做左都開唔到
