[親生仔] Google Pixel 討論區 (59) Pixel Watch in 2021?
打你老虎 2021-5-26 11:17:51 Take $25 off anything on the Google Store

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晴耕雨読 2021-5-26 11:30:00
京都念慈ohm 2021-5-26 11:44:27 係唔知耗電量如何,畢竟Samsung 自己啲CPU通常都食電過同級嘅高通CPU
夜神裕一郎 2021-5-26 11:47:26 用s888要賣一萬元hkd一部
連儂強 2021-5-26 14:16:36 用緊4a, 如果Pixel6都係香港冇 volte/5g, 就放棄lu。
剪你㗎 2021-5-26 15:04:49 應該放得棄
迷途小書蟲 2021-5-26 15:22:50 唔該清
LSPosed 2021-5-26 15:28:03



有呀 利申 P5
FujiColor 2021-5-26 15:31:44 要 root ?
LSPosed 2021-5-26 15:31:56 ys
springlala 2021-5-26 15:46:40 9成9無


連儂強 2021-5-26 16:08:46 睇黎冇得懶,root 咗 4a用下 volte都好。
嫪毐 2021-5-26 16:33:44 真心問

你地冇volte 真係差咗好多?
B1B2丨(20201122) 2021-5-26 16:40:54 有p6消息/ rumors未
B1B2丨(20201122) 2021-5-26 16:45:31 今年我部3仔xl應該要退役

應該會sony mark3 vs pixel 6
連儂強 2021-5-26 17:15:23 宜家用Smartone好啲,之前用3喺屋企試過幾次人地打黎唔通,應該係屋企個位3G信號弱。香港黎緊3g應該會越來越多地方冇信號
緊爽春蠅 2021-5-26 17:33:42 伸手黨
緊爽春蠅 2021-5-26 17:35:40
B1B2丨(20201122) 2021-5-26 17:36:12
無追開post麻sor 而家追
緊爽春蠅 2021-5-26 17:38:17 最新係話whitechapel 會介乎870同888之間
緊爽春蠅 2021-5-26 17:41:01 https://m.eprice.com.tw/mobile/talk/4541/5647611/1



B1B2丨(20201122) 2021-5-26 17:51:21 睇咗reddit post 了

雖然連登(包括我) 都反 shamesung chip

Google's GS101 will be "between 888 and 865". That is great news if true, three had been rumours it was a quad core closer to the 700 series, but then latest rumours suggested the quad core news was wrong, meaning we were back to having no clue. Weinbach has claimed for a few weeks that he knows the internals, so if he's right, that's a very promising chip level

Pixel Watch will run Samsung chip not Qualcomm. Again, great great news if true. Weinbach already hinted at this in a tweet where he said something like "imagine if the Pixel Watch didn't use Qualcomm"

Update: Even though what Max said in this podcast is now need everywhere, it's very notable that neither he nor 9to5 (who he works closely with) have mentioned it anywhere in writing.

姐係佢覺得只要㐿SoC 係quard + promising chip level 就收貨


22:50 The main reason why Google will use Whitechapel instead of a Qualcomm SoC:

AI, they can do their own custom NPUs. The ISP in there is custom-designed. Their camera sensors are custom top of the line sensors.

緊爽春蠅 2021-5-26 18:06:46 應該qualcomm唔會合作,始終qualcomm喺high end食曬咁滯


btw睇黎pixel 6都係大機多
B1B2丨(20201122) 2021-5-26 18:10:58 ching 手細?

Hysan出面車仔檔呀叔: 「無人玩細機架 無咩套好揀」
賣港龜公張建宗 2021-5-26 18:20:29 好樣衰