[親生仔] Google Pixel 討論區 (59) Pixel Watch in 2021?
緊爽春蠅 2021-4-21 18:55:41 裸跑先安全呀


剪你㗎 2021-4-22 02:28:07 https://9to5google.com/2021/04/21/android-12-dp3-new-features/
DP3搞乜鬼 有啲UI唔改好過改
車公顯靈 2021-4-22 11:55:14 垃圾pixel buds
已經有一邊無聲 真係好撚垃圾
KFCCoffee 2021-4-22 12:40:46 Google Pixel 5a 5G set to run on same Snapdragon 765 as Pixel 5
娜恩B世界第一 2021-4-22 17:11:29 咁6係咪用佢自家chip?
Name醬的剎那! 2021-4-22 18:44:42 咁5A 即係4A 5G 既90hz mon版本?
KFCCoffee 2021-4-22 18:56:18 之前啲 render 話個外形 design 同 4a 5G 一樣, 跟住相機又一樣
除咗90hz, 咁 5a 5G 同 4a 5G 真係無咩分別

唔知 google 會開個咩嘢價呢
視窗是狗 2021-4-22 18:58:59 400-450?
凋零綠 2021-4-22 21:23:46 一早講撚咗
5用粒咁嘅U 5A冇可能勁過佢,又唔可以廢過4A

緊爽春蠅 2021-4-23 00:07:23 出嗰時都話5係咪特登出廢啲
Glockenspiel 2021-4-23 00:19:20 DISCONNECT定長期無聲?


車公顯靈 2021-4-23 00:41:36 connect唔到
傑佛理 2021-4-23 00:48:41 用緊部4XL脹電...想問各位巴打有冇知邊度換電好?
雲達華治 2021-4-23 02:06:51 行住用會好窒 用咗幾個月就放棄咗

擺低咗一排 依家有一邊connect唔到
初哥要睇路 2021-4-23 05:12:28 lm
牛奶湯 2021-4-23 08:30:33 第一批用家
依家淨係係屋企用,係街就要打電話個陣先用,係街個 connection 真係搞唔掂
晴耕雨読 2021-4-23 08:54:05 好冇新意,咁搞法pixel系列會唔會遲早收皮

緊爽春蠅 2021-4-23 09:25:37 reset有冇用?
車公顯靈 2021-4-23 09:27:08 無 可能壞咗
緊爽春蠅 2021-4-23 10:17:38 I don't know do you got this fixed yet, but what worked for me is this process right here:

Toggle off or disable "automatic updates" and "in-ear detection" on your Pixel Buds setting via Pixel Buds app.

Turn off Bluetooth on your phone, exit and force close all recently used apps, restart it, then turn Bluetooth back on.

Plug your Pixel Buds charging case into a power source using the included USB-A to USB-C cable. Ensure that your Pixel Buds are seated within the charging case and leave the charging case open.

At the back of the charging case, press and hold the pairing button for 30 seconds. When the earbuds status light stops blinking, let go of the pairing button.

The earbuds status light will blink white and orange until the reset is complete and then start blinking white to indicate that your Pixel Buds are ready to be paired.

Once done, try pairing them again with your phone, then re-enable in-ear detection and automatic updates.

Try playing music, making calls or using Google Assistant for 15 minutes to see the results


手腳冇力搵我中醫 2021-4-23 12:04:00 此回覆已被刪除


緊爽春蠅 2021-4-23 16:14:45 使用儲存空間係攞你平時用file開到嗰啲,但都只會攞佢app本身嘅野,又或者可以攞到某啲種類嘅file,例如image, video, music
手腳冇力搵我中醫 2021-4-23 16:17:11 此回覆已被刪除
竹虎 2021-4-23 16:22:11 5a點解要出現
嫪毐 2021-4-23 17:07:28 我而家中階機用上癮