Bitcoin / Crypto 集中討論區 (195)
比卡超車車 2021-4-16 11:39:19 此回覆已被刪除


喂點呀 2021-4-16 11:39:25 same feeling
秋人夢葉 2021-4-16 11:40:30 屌,點解唔吹100,鎂最大面額
地剷霸權 2021-4-16 11:40:34 We regret to inform you that your BNBUSD_PERP position in your Binance COIN-M Futures has been liquidated as your margin balance was lower than the required maintenance margin. Your margin balance was 0.9231 BNB at the time of liquidation, while the Mark Price of BNBUSD_PERP was 530.722. Your latest margin balance after liquidation may vary. Leveraged trading is risky, please manage your risk accordingly.
btc合約教教徒 2021-4-16 11:41:04 想財自既 做空 doge 爆倉位 set0.3
比卡超車車 2021-4-16 11:41:19 此回覆已被刪除
Flare 2021-4-16 11:41:37 有冇人手持好多高追既BNB?
平成怪物 2021-4-16 11:41:38 此回覆已被刪除
黑化周芷若 2021-4-16 11:42:44 高追指幾錢??
比卡超車車 2021-4-16 11:42:47 此回覆已被刪除
津巴布韋百萬富翁 2021-4-16 11:43:09 賺杯凍飲


比卡超車車 2021-4-16 11:43:38 此回覆已被刪除
Yee大師 2021-4-16 11:44:10 620定唔知幾多入咗4粒 540斬咗
Flare 2021-4-16 11:44:32 要乞都好笑 但送都搞笑

btc合約教教徒 2021-4-16 11:44:35 放心 無力上了
糖妹打手 2021-4-16 11:46:13 此回覆已被刪除
花生醬走奶 2021-4-16 11:46:22 剷巴又表演
有冇feel 2021-4-16 11:46:31 點解你班友可以咁撚7有錢
花生醬走奶 2021-4-16 11:47:35 應該問有幾多人睇完糖妹篇勸世文就高追左BNB

比卡超車車 2021-4-16 11:48:37 此回覆已被刪除
百合控 2021-4-16 11:48:58 想知有冇人成功630摸頂


有冇feel 2021-4-16 11:49:15 發達師
糖妹打手 2021-4-16 11:50:01 此回覆已被刪除
憲法記念日 2021-4-16 11:50:06 ETC升左幾日無人講
操真晴人 2021-4-16 11:50:19 想高j doge