OCGN SH討論區(15)之 屍橫遍野
微微利 2021-4-17 00:16:50 此回覆已被刪除


李國邦(陳斯) 2021-4-17 00:18:34
奶茶溝檸檬 2021-4-17 00:22:51 卡3.5%手續費咁貴
pop子 2021-4-17 00:23:36 我用1000就冇計
你入幾萬就去c2c 搵人買
寫意喝啖茶 2021-4-17 00:24:11 好正 明明呢隻野一直冇消息都推得勁快
微微利 2021-4-17 00:25:16 此回覆已被刪除
奶茶溝檸檬 2021-4-17 00:25:53 怨婦post
山中無山莫山山 2021-4-17 00:27:12 好重怨氣
山中無山莫山山 2021-4-17 00:27:28 表示有入
微微利 2021-4-17 00:34:38 此回覆已被刪除
虎豹鐵騎 2021-4-17 00:37:20 今晚做咩事插到咁?


山中無山莫山山 2021-4-17 00:39:56 penny問題
一秒 2021-4-17 00:41:17 唔捨得你
寫意喝啖茶 2021-4-17 00:41:41 山巴做下社工啦
我啊媽個波罩你 2021-4-17 00:42:06 幾肯定熱錢去晒加密貨幣
簫塞胸器中 2021-4-17 00:47:26 咩消息都無 乾插我係唔會驚
買返兩張10蚊call 下個月定定驚先
奶茶溝檸檬 2021-4-17 00:53:52 [url]
伯爵茶奶凍 2021-4-17 00:54:16 其實一路見到好多唔同名

山中無山莫山山 2021-4-17 00:56:44 多左新人好事黎
pop子 2021-4-17 00:57:15 我一路覺得佢係下一隻nvax
猜猜情尋RR頭痕 2021-4-17 00:57:25


奶茶溝檸檬 2021-4-17 00:58:14 Good lord the amount of copium here right now. Sanjay did not say that the EUA is in the next few weeks but the interim results are in the next few weeks. Listen again at 9:16.

... and we will be supplementing that with an EUA application. As soon as we have this phase 2 interim results including the medium safety data and we expect that to be over the next few weeks.

EUA is not coming "very soon." This is like the same issue last time where people convinced themselves the CEO said early/mid April when all he said was "in April."

from Reddit
諗唔撚到叫咩名 2021-4-17 00:58:27 此回覆已被刪除
山中無山莫山山 2021-4-17 00:58:31 訓醒未,呢隻垃圾黎
pop子 2021-4-17 00:59:30 人地升十%
