GME 163
1137癲佬 2021-4-20 17:36:01 on9= =?


#yup#lm#b 2021-4-20 17:40:08
社會 2021-4-20 17:40:57
magnum 2021-4-20 17:44:22 參考 (by jeffamazon)

GME is a good business undervalued to my speculative FCF.
Redditors are holding shares, not options, so time decay is no worry.
I don't think GME goes to a $1M/Share obviously. Even $500/share for a "squeeze" seems improbable due to the shelf. We'll see.
I won't be day trading with shares. I will mess around with options though.
Poly係城堡係要塞 2021-4-20 17:51:12 此回覆已被刪除
月下獨酌二世 2021-4-20 17:54:40 愈亂愈有渾水
一秒 2021-4-20 17:56:10 美團1.7萬億市值添
1137癲佬 2021-4-20 17:56:16 不得了
菜鳥一號(被bam) 2021-4-20 17:58:27
爹娘親不及當奴侵 2021-4-20 18:00:04 屌 話明SS駛鬼睇市值
Poly係城堡係要塞 2021-4-20 18:03:11 此回覆已被刪除


bearbear熊 2021-4-20 18:08:25
腦若傷殘 2021-4-20 18:10:58
ImagineDragons 2021-4-20 18:12:59 此回覆已被刪除
bearbear熊 2021-4-20 18:14:39
社會 2021-4-20 18:28:41
爹娘親不及當奴侵 2021-4-20 18:38:38
有棍的神棍 2021-4-20 18:39:54
Luminova 2021-4-20 18:49:03
ImagineDragons 2021-4-20 18:52:18 此回覆已被刪除
社會 2021-4-20 18:57:18


卡魯.蘇 2021-4-20 19:33:28 我個倉均價17x,我個fd買得仲多過我,不過話去到500既話,我就寧願留比個孫好過啦,睇下shitadel點埋單
不是人間三百年 2021-4-20 21:34:10 又細過post了
打丁唔洗手 2021-4-20 21:40:18 跌多d拎ssr 聽日ss機會大增
買乜跌乜 2021-4-20 21:41:27 次次大跌ssr完完都升唔返 280溝貨溝到171