[HKGBUDDIES] GFRIEND討論區(194)等待傳聞中既六月回歸
BabyFive 2021-5-18 01:06:49 智真係唔洗瞓,仲開緊直播


BabyFive 2021-5-18 01:09:11
夜闌靜 2021-5-18 01:49:06 其實佢地係咪各自有MAGO 英文版
之前豬仔又有 家陣又有智仔版
音遠 2021-5-18 01:56:06 可能係佢地兩個有試玩編曲
夜闌靜 2021-5-18 01:57:38 如果佢地兩個都出FULL VERSION 就正啦

兩首都想聽 豬同智兩首聽落都唔錯
文信愛 2021-5-18 02:44:56 Guide 錄音喎
銀呀 2021-5-18 08:03:58 原來之前智仔 vlive 都播過同一隻碟其他歌既英文版
應該 hybe 有諗過幫佢地出英文碟
壹二三死 2021-5-18 09:49:08 呢首真心神曲, 點唱都好聽.
BabyFive 2021-5-18 10:53:24 [🔔] GFRIEND Conclusion of Contract Announcement
May 18, 2021

Hello. This is Source Music.

The exclusive artist contract with GFRIEND and Source Music will be concluded on May 22.

After careful consideration and extensive discussion, GFRIEND and Source Music have come to an agreement to follow separate paths to continued growth.

For the past six years, GFRIEND has won the boundless love of K-pop frans through a wide range of concepts, performances and songs that marked a new generation of girl group and music.

We would like to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to GFRIEND who has allowed Source Music to accompany them on their journey.

We would like to deeply thank all BUDDY and fans who have shown your love for GFRIEND, and we ask that you give your unchanging love and support to the members who will begin their adventures in new and diverse areas.

Source Music will always continue to cheer for the members as they take the first step towards new beginnings.
BabyFive 2021-5-18 10:56:01 英文唔好,即係點?全員不續約?

GFRIEND and Source Music have come to an agreement to follow separate path to continued growth.
BabyFive 2021-5-18 10:57:50 真·收皮??


千帆 2021-5-18 10:59:07 wtf 完全冇諗過
BabyFive 2021-5-18 10:59:31 真係自組公司?
onedayxne 2021-5-18 11:01:05
S4816 2021-5-18 11:01:41
BabyFive 2021-5-18 11:02:32 唔怪得近排po咁多舊嘢,又回憶初初入公司當練習生,Memoria又收檔,又無cb。
金韶情 2021-5-18 11:03:15
MAGO 2021-5-18 11:04:03 全部一齊唔續?


Vlive 見佢哋會自己編曲練舞cover其他歌
千帆 2021-5-18 11:05:14 會唔會係因為somu 冇乜比solo資源佢哋 始終都七年 冇乜個人發展
ReneSeulWen 2021-5-18 11:06:03 屌 完全無唸過會咁


唔係話6 7月有CB咩。。。唉
小女友 2021-5-18 11:06:44 條腿好長下


BabyFive 2021-5-18 11:06:58 可能5月22日通知大家直接隸屬HYBE而唔係Source Music
艾伊莎李彩英 2021-5-18 11:08:00 入嚟想問下我係咪發緊惡夢?好奇怪見到gfriend唔續約嘅新聞
MAGO 2021-5-18 11:08:36 或者同新女團有關?
Somu 講明資源兼顧唔同2隊
S4816 2021-5-18 11:10:27 又話仲有好多好歌等出嘅