【Disney+】The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 劇透討論區(3)
盲俠 2021-4-10 21:25:53 長頸鹿閪面


正義王 2021-4-10 21:36:14 serum D效果咁快,John 打左咁快見效

睇到第4集係John 最好睇,人物有心理有變化
本身佢又燥燥地,打埋serum 可製造更多戲劇效果
noneedtokn 2021-4-10 21:53:12 個皇家衛隊咁好打,係因為d乜?有冇邊度根據
90後A0毒撚 2021-4-10 21:56:33 Vision比人分屍嗰度都冇爆算係咁
搭彩虹 2021-4-10 22:05:29 john咁先係路嫁ma

Woodbird 2021-4-10 22:06:15 個度佢都無力爆啦 岩岩佢先整爆咗vision粒石
Damian_W 2021-4-10 22:10:07 究竟政府會唔會收埋John做Black ops算呢

90後A0毒撚 2021-4-10 22:12:13 有力去整個結界
swrd 2021-4-10 22:12:17
swrd 2021-4-10 22:24:34 avg4個Steve應該老咗好多
swrd 2021-4-10 22:27:09 咁我睇漏咗


成皇志 2021-4-10 22:32:29 過去嘅ca認定對方係loki假冒,出盡100%力打,
swrd 2021-4-10 22:39:29 兩個起碼差10年,係起碼

Steve “Captain America” Rogers was born on 4th July (obvs) 1918. He crashed into the Arctic sometime in 1945, at the age of 27, before being thawed out 66 years later, in 2011. For the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, he's still physically 27, but technically 93.
swrd 2021-4-10 22:42:29 係27歲同39歲打

endgame The movie picks up five years later in 2023

Steve “Captain America” Rogers was born on 4th July (obvs) 1918. He crashed into the Arctic sometime in 1945, at the age of 27, before being thawed out 66 years later, in 2011. For the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, he's still physically 27, but technically 93.
Wittgenstein 2021-4-10 22:42:59 為黑人報仇點解要道歉

係都flag smasher道歉
race crime
Mustang 2021-4-10 22:43:35 今集john仔做得幾好丫,黑人憎之餘又有d可憐值得同情,抵讚
成皇志 2021-4-10 22:44:01 咁avg1嘅27歲美隊擋唔擋到avg3 thonas嗰拳
Damian_W 2021-4-10 22:45:42 PR野
Wittgenstein 2021-4-10 22:46:30 根本本身佢地係雜牌軍
同Steve Bucky呢d有技術有經驗真係無得比
Wittgenstein 2021-4-10 22:48:10 如果Steve無照燈就無得變肌肉佬

Peggy就無得享受美國巨腸同America’s ass
行山MT(星奈光) 2021-4-10 22:50:14 冇得解
電影個女將軍冇食草 飛車戰啊幕拍得住打左針


Wittgenstein 2021-4-10 22:50:35 政府:Jw無做錯到
嚴正執法 止暴制亂
swrd 2021-4-10 22:51:11 Steve啲格鬥術都唔知係邊度學,無交代過
Woodbird 2021-4-10 22:51:51 佢岩岩整爆咗vision頭上面粒石啵
Damian_W 2021-4-10 22:52:26 整段Rocky montage