你條撚樣 2021-4-8 09:31:24


RX-78-2 2021-4-8 09:32:21 error bound包咗0
十八歲破石柱 2021-4-8 09:34:58 此回覆已被刪除
RX-78-2 2021-4-8 09:35:31 safe同effective兩回事來,打生理鹽水都safe但唔effective

仲有如果血栓比例大過10case per million已經高過background,AZ係用呢條數計

巴巴星 2021-4-8 09:35:42 國安幾時去智利拉人
三民主義 2021-4-8 09:38:55 證明科興對巴西同南非變種效力不變。

輝瑞/莫德納對巴西變種效用跌五倍,對南非變種效力跌20+ 倍。。

扮工署專員 2021-4-8 09:39:06 13了
藍鯨 2021-4-8 09:39:18 智利走去研究
三民主義 2021-4-8 09:39:49 但對變種無咩效先慘。。
馬路無碼 2021-4-8 09:41:02 此回覆已被刪除
十八歲破石柱 2021-4-8 09:41:03 此回覆已被刪除


三民主義 2021-4-8 09:41:43 中嘅人係未打針嘛
扮工署專員 2021-4-8 09:43:32
我酸故我在 2021-4-8 09:43:41 智利人, 覺醒~!!

(無跟開, 智利之係奶共定中立定係點)
RX-78-2 2021-4-8 09:45:30 有邊個專家打科興
Casemiro14 2021-4-8 09:45:56 笑撚咗
三民主義 2021-4-8 09:46:01 Despite the high infection rates, there is much optimism.

At a retirement home in the south of Chile where residents and personnel received a first vaccine dose in the opening week of February, a subsequent outbreak of coronavirus in the facility infected 70 people. The only death was a resident who hadn't been vaccinated.

There is much hope, too, in hospitals.

Ugarte said that during the worst stages of the pandemic last year, the Coquimbo hospital was seeing between 150 and 170 of its 1,700-strong workforce infected with COVID-19.

"Now, with 80 per cent of the staff having been fully vaccinated for a few weeks, there is one!" he added, calling it "the first great demonstration" of the vaccine's impact.

就係打左有效,智利先會繼續all in 科興
Mobileo1 2021-4-8 09:47:06 智利黑醫護抹黑中國產疫苗
蜜絲佛陀 2021-4-8 09:47:40 一支唔夠咪打多幾支囉,醒少少啦蝻美傻鳩
扮工署專員 2021-4-8 09:49:50 打完繼續傳染仲有機會死,你打埋我嗰份
圓木梨棚 2021-4-8 09:50:13 此回覆已被刪除


三民主義 2021-4-8 09:52:29 https://radio.uchile.cl/2021/04/06/vacunas-en-terreno-investigacion-de-la-universidad-de-chile-comprueba-56-de-eficacia-luego-de-dos-dosis/

“Clinical trials indicate that all vaccines, but particularly that of Sinovac, has a greater effectiveness in preventing hospitalizations or that patients end up in the ICU.

呢個係智利original news link, 俾路透社cut 頭cut 尾報導出黎,毒果又cut 頭cut 未咁引路透社嘅版本。。
超膠 2021-4-8 09:52:38
三民主義 2021-4-8 09:55:12 係無咩機會死。
連登zero 2021-4-8 09:59:10 -100%