[David,Leroy 你踢波踢到咁點x得!] 拜仁慕尼黑球迷討論區 捌拾
Aerovelocity 2021-4-9 21:01:38 湊唔夠11人打psg 啦


基拿比隻雞髀 2021-4-9 21:02:18 係咪扮下野比佢地抖咋
S.Rudy 2021-4-9 21:14:23 沙帝正選啦 仲後備
S.Rudy 2021-4-9 21:16:32 有得睇nllm全場

廢就雞咗佢 簽返黎訓醫院
湯姆鼠與傑利貓 2021-4-9 21:25:13
稻荷崎北信介 2021-4-9 21:47:06
希歷基斯 2021-4-9 21:49:49 應該借 d 意留力,話哂星期二晚要作客踢
小嶋陽菜 2021-4-9 21:56:55 咁樣輸波都有藉口頂下先
小次郎 2021-4-9 21:58:00 哥好似係輕傷,2ng leg有機會出到
S.Rudy 2021-4-9 22:05:35 利雲決賽出到?
小次郎 2021-4-9 22:10:40 決賽係5月尾
佢4月尾就出到 姐係4強同決賽都出到
真係去到5月 杜同Costa都返曬黎


PhilippLahm 2021-4-9 22:12:30 利雲決賽出到
基拿比隻雞髀 2021-4-9 22:30:58 過左巴黎先講

基拿比隻雞髀 2021-4-9 22:59:57 有傳flick番去教德國隊
男男細乳 2021-4-9 23:17:27 vita
PhilippLahm 2021-4-9 23:17:28 屌沙狗老母
男男細乳 2021-4-9 23:19:44 我屌撚埋企喺沙狗嗰邊既高層
S.Rudy 2021-4-10 00:40:48 話時話蛋撻去咗邊

我係一隻拜狗仔 2021-4-10 05:09:08 on the conflicts with Brazzo: "Back then I took over a team that was qualitatively better than it is today. I have a lot of fun with my team. I am absolutely focused and I feel that my team is absolutely loyal to me. Even players like Sarr and Roca who don't play are absolutely professional. I want to focus now on what is important: the team and success. I am also partly to blame that things were brought in. We are now forgetting everything, I want to solve the whole thing in such a way that it is for the benefit of the club. I absolutely understand that you all always want to get something new out of me [directed at the journalists] This is your job. But I don't feel like it anymore and I won't answer these questions in the future either. Our team is great, you should also be focused on them too."


姐係明屌柒沙利狗買sarr roca翻黎唔知做咩
我係一隻拜狗仔 2021-4-10 05:18:09 David Alaba and Javi Martínez have already took their 'farewell photoshoots' with all the trophies they have won at FC Bayern [Bild]

S.Rudy 2021-4-10 09:24:32 Flick唔知 我哋唔知



成全寶 2021-4-10 11:32:52 J8 年年都話走
孫策冇晒符 2021-4-10 11:39:32 rocs都算,仲可以train

S.Rudy 2021-4-10 11:47:35 Roca我當射咗落海

S.Rudy 2021-4-10 13:04:38 見到cctoy教阿布泰做生意就覺得好好笑
