[WithU] NiziU 討論區 (6) TAP/PS 繼續大發!Maya 生日快樂!我要新綜藝!
終極ON9平井桃 2021-4-18 23:52:22 有冇其他人 d 圖 ?


登高入地恩為我 2021-4-19 00:19:50 因為韓國網民又傾緊佢地國籍問題。

The netizen who created the online community post wrote, "lol, I don't know what they are doing? In Japan, they want to be a Japanese girl group that feels like a J-Pop group, but I guess for overseas promotions, they want to be a K-Pop group by speaking Korean."

The writer of the post added, "Or do they want to be part of the K-Pop because they know K-Pop sells well in Thailand? I don't know why they created a Japanese group and make them promote like this."

Other netizens joined and gave their opinions on this topic as well. Netizens commented, "I don't know why they are doing this, but it's not a bad thing they are learning Korean," "What is this for real?" "lol," "I mean, I understand they're doing that since JYP was part of the production, but still..." "It's good they are speaking Korean," "They're all Japanese, but a Korean company produced them, so I guess that's why they're speaking Korean, lol," and "I hope Korean spreads more globally and becomes the universal language lol,"
登高入地恩為我 2021-4-19 00:22:04 珍惜最後一批虎牙相。
終極ON9平井桃 2021-4-19 00:30:00 唔好啦

還返 d 虎牙俾我

我出 1026萬
終極ON9平井桃 2021-4-19 00:37:18
終極ON9平井桃 2021-4-19 03:30:02 好想篤佢塊面

終極ON9平井桃 2021-4-19 11:55:15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=414RGpUc2u4
大江梨久妹 2021-4-19 18:00:47 想大大力錫落去
登高入地恩為我 2021-4-19 19:20:18 一過宣傳期靜到咩咁。
終極ON9平井桃 2021-4-19 19:29:53 你唔推 post ???

終極ON9平井桃 2021-4-19 19:30:36 想大大力咬落去


終極ON9平井桃 2021-4-19 19:35:38 求救

有冇人見到 759 有牙ku果枝 fanta ???



可摸耳幫手留意下 ?
科興一定要日日打 2021-4-19 19:53:51 聽第一次開live

願榮光歸香港 2021-4-19 20:37:49 此回覆已被刪除
大江梨久妹 2021-4-19 21:06:43 今日見到光妹
終極ON9平井桃 2021-4-19 21:22:18 咁有你個樣果枝 le ?

想問通常係咪會草曬 有d大

儲唔儲曬要問吓自己 $ 同 身心

儲的話 , 我記得可以抆張包裝落嚟
可以整扣針或者直接 keep 之類
大江梨久妹 2021-4-19 21:42:33 我都好想要
佢地好似仲有個青提子味 飲咁多支會糖尿

想淨係keep舊膠紙 驚自己手殘撕爛
王陽明先生 2021-4-20 09:54:50 https://twitter.com/niziupics/status/1384298231291514884?s=21
王陽明先生 2021-4-20 09:59:56 https://twitter.com/nizitranslate/status/1384057430212943872?s=12
大江梨久妹 2021-4-20 11:00:35 今晚九點
登高入地恩為我 2021-4-20 11:54:50 日本時間八點


王陽明先生 2021-4-20 12:47:38 https://twitter.com/1002n0217y0731y/status/1383772236004265991?s=21

Manukau fancom
王陽明先生 2021-4-20 14:18:34 https://twitter.com/niziuzyohokyoku/status/1384385010891825157?s=21

科興一定要日日打 2021-4-20 14:52:10 第一次live
王陽明先生 2021-4-20 18:12:32 https://youtu.be/cqesQ-hL3A4
