浴火重生火鳳凰 2021-5-3 01:43:55 「將提出問題的人殺光就沒有問題了」



童童世一 2021-5-3 01:47:19
屌你老鼠斑 2021-5-3 02:02:37
浴火重生火鳳凰 2021-5-3 02:05:41 Push
西藏人藏西人 2021-5-3 02:15:21
點心餃子大王 2021-5-3 02:41:26 想幫手backup其他節目既入黎呢個google sheet填野

記得唔好用自己google account





推介一個免費同開源嘅 backup 短片工具俾大家:

個網拉落去 Downloads 度揀返適合你嘅版本,
如 Windows 版就可以揀返 Windows Portable。

下載同解壓縮後打開 youtube-dl-gui.exe,
係上面果格入 youtube link,
跟住揀下載位置 > 撳 add 同右下角個 download 掣就得。


如果條 LINK 有 PLAYLIST id ,
會成個 PLAYLIST 下載。

另外同樣能支援 facebook, vimeo 影片下載,


其他短片網站支援 LIST:
懶過狗閪 2021-5-3 02:43:01 幫推
死傻狗 2021-5-3 02:56:50 Lm
膠龍獸 2021-5-3 03:10:12
點心餃子大王 2021-5-3 03:57:08 *如果想慳Credits用,可以deposit淨係用0.001LBC*
Fin.Grasshopper 2021-5-3 04:43:12 It 盲有個問題

Upload咗上lbry 有無得dl返落嚟



KeineAhnung 2021-5-3 04:54:47 自己燒DVD/藍光碟
Fin.Grasshopper 2021-5-3 05:01:17 我想講係大圍做緊嘅嘢

但無人有一個齊晒嘅local copy嘅情況下Lbry 執咗

所以想知有無得喺lbry dl返一d 自己覺得有用/有價值嘅片落嚟
點心餃子大王 2021-5-3 05:36:58 用desktop版


//LBRY desktop utilizes peer-to-peer distributed model to obtain & distribute files. Odysee website pulls files only from official Odysee servers.

This is the primary difference, which matters if you are concerned content may disappear from Odysee official servers, or if your bandwidth/connection to those servers is worse than what you might achieve from distributed file transfer model.//
點心餃子大王 2021-5-3 05:38:29 https://lbry.com/faq/different-bitchute

How is LBRY better?
In the case of LBRY:

You can access and use LBRY in a truly decentralized, peer-to-peer way. Via LBRY Desktop, anyone in the world can access the LBRY network without relying on LBRY Inc. servers or machinery.

If LBRY ever turns evil, all code is open-source and anyone in the world (okay, mainly nerds) could develop and release their own version with minimal effort. Hundreds of people have contributed to LBRY, the vast majority as volunteers.

Anyone in the world can run their own version of lbry.tv or make their own LBRY app, completely separate from us and without our permission.
點心餃子大王 2021-5-3 05:41:31 Recommended settings and bitrate
We recommend uploading videos at 720P in an MP4 container, H264 video encoding, and AAC audio with a maximum bitrate of 5 Mbps (check file properties to see current rate). It's also helps if the moov atom is at the front of the file - this is sometimes referred to as Fast Start (ffmpeg) or Web Optimized (Handbrake). If the content is not compatible or over 5 Mbps, you'll be given a warning on the publish page.

If you prefer 1080P, please try to keep the bitrate at or below 8 Mbps. You'll be given a warning on the publish page, but you can still proceed.

Milktea溝Lemon 2021-5-3 05:49:41 push
周黃女士 2021-5-3 06:57:51
Bye有鉛再會 2021-5-3 07:27:39 可以成個channel 一齊download..... 爽
點心餃子大王 2021-5-3 07:28:25 一野400幾條片....
badman20 2021-5-3 12:14:24


地獄紅寶書 2021-5-3 13:47:22 開始del 啦

三嘴貓 2021-5-3 13:52:59 唔係啩?邊個節目?
三嘴貓 2021-5-3 13:58:39 手足你備份咗?
三嘴貓 2021-5-3 14:01:59 SHIT!