CNTower 2021-5-17 19:57:30 https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=difference+betwen+diploma+and+advance+diploma+in+Ontario+Canada&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8



好頭痛 2021-5-18 14:55:00 暫時嚟睇 Conestoga college 似乎幾好,可以避開Toronto 貴租金 又近 Toronto 又多 award
高尚情趣 2021-5-18 17:40:14
CNTower 2021-5-18 21:26:02 299 Doon Valley Drive
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4, Canada
Phone: 519-748-5220
Not close to Toronto.
好頭痛 2021-5-18 21:38:45 oh 咁個 college 網 fake 我
CNTower 2021-5-19 00:51:18 https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=how+far+is+Kitchener+from+Toronto&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

over 100 km away from Toronto- about 90 minutes drive on a good day.
中出只能戴著套 2021-5-19 01:20:50 就咁design未必揾到食
好頭痛 2021-5-19 11:12:45 90 minutes drive ...
once a few weeks ok geh
but not within commuting distance la
阿拉伯伯 2021-5-19 11:21:32 此回覆已被刪除
好頭痛 2021-5-19 11:54:08
阿拉伯伯 2021-5-19 12:35:23 此回覆已被刪除


好頭痛 2021-5-19 18:36:32 CNTower 同唔少巴絲都話local 經驗先有用
如果係儲錢同儲 EE 分就另計
晉賴雞腿堡沁安 2021-5-19 18:58:57
夏冬 2021-5-19 19:48:41
CNTower 2021-5-19 19:52:33 https://ca.indeed.com/jobs?q=baker&l=Canada
晉賴雞腿堡沁安 2021-5-19 20:15:16
仍影 2021-5-20 07:48:33
CNTower 2021-5-20 08:06:03 Why Alberta?
你今天過得好嗎 2021-5-20 09:50:47
晉賴雞腿堡沁安 2021-5-20 17:25:37
關老二大意失賓周 2021-5-20 17:29:55


西蘭花師奶 2021-5-20 17:33:21 想問UBC/University of Toronto 讀education master 有冇話邊間好啲?

仍影 2021-5-20 18:03:26
煲底約定 2021-5-20 18:16:41 Visa都未搞既話咁你好大機會出唔切
屌你條撚 2021-5-20 18:23:47 我估香港上網課都要有有sp 先?