LIHKG [假架啲Netflix] F1 2021 巴林季前測試討論區 4
平井毛毛 2021-3-19 01:36:29 今年可能用得返呢句“The engine feels good, much slower than before. Amazing.”


打救你 2021-3-19 01:39:40 未開季已經黎料 好期待季中會點
睇落佢手車都仲係好掂 ocon今年應該幾難捱
發條慘 2021-3-19 01:54:12 3d
What a clickbait article.
Alonso is said nothing about the actual pace of the car. He just said that Alpine is not planning to do much running on the softer tire compounds during testing, so the testing times won't be quick.
Terrible article trying to extract a narrative from two sentences about Alpine's testing program.
發條慘 2021-3-19 01:58:21 It is said by team principal(好似係)Antonio Lobato

Antonio Lobato: I chatted with Alonso after the tests and he said "good test, we completed the program, we are just a bit slow"
Taiji 2021-3-19 02:02:56 其實唔係好明 明明上年都睇到速度唔算慢 仲上過3次pod
發條慘 2021-3-19 02:07:41 Obviously Alonso is not satisfied with P5 like 四萬 did last season.
Additionally, original "un poco lentillos" is almost a cute way of saying it (but not mockingly so).

It further proves that the team principal Antonio (from GP2?) 係識啲嘢, which is why Alonso intends to push the team further.
艾朗藍斯#8 2021-3-19 02:10:20 Netflix幾點鐘upload
L4NDO_NORRIS 2021-3-19 02:15:55 拍嗰個話3點 f1話4點
升降機(Hydra) 2021-3-19 02:26:06 放工番屋企點都有啦
若即若離 2021-3-19 03:16:10 comment: Fun Fact: This circuit was originally designed to be clockwise, but the crown prince wanted as few rights as possible.
若即若離 2021-3-19 03:19:57 有啊 幾十個


昴宿。日雞 2021-3-19 08:20:14
邊個邊個?Superfast Engine again?
昴宿。日雞 2021-3-19 08:23:45 黑氣石成個怨婦咁。好撚憎啲人𠵱𠵱哦哦。

飛膠鑊 2021-3-19 08:28:03 諗起上年F2印度仔問pit有無咩update,然後畀人一句「just fuck drive fast」收皮
紅豆 2021-3-19 08:54:04 aka FDF
紅豆 2021-3-19 08:57:59 其實有啲F2車手重係好細 真係腦筍都未生埋
細細個就要周圍走 又要守紀律

同埋有啲車手又廢又膠 好似迪圖果啲怨婦
S.Vettel(光頭) 2021-3-19 09:03:59 The engine feels good much slower then before

揸lift人 2021-3-19 09:27:54 此回覆已被刪除
翠翠翠翠(引戰) 2021-3-19 09:31:30 仲有7個鐘乜嘢
TalkToMeGoose 2021-3-19 09:32:25 唔係3pm HKT咩?
揸lift人 2021-3-19 09:46:50 此回覆已被刪除


揸lift人 2021-3-19 09:47:03 此回覆已被刪除
鄉村僧屍 2021-3-19 09:49:35 依個禮拜完全無心工作

人生可否重來 2021-3-19 09:49:39 本田唔玩原來係股東壓力
人生可否重來 2021-3-19 09:50:36 咁快就串嘴