Aviation Summer Intern 2021圍爐
花么九小王子 2021-5-28 23:12:19 傳聞cx intern請overseas回流多,佢哋未必上連登


九龍張敬軒 2021-5-29 10:47:54 之前話initerview完一個禮拜有消息 依家可能收皮了
sick即是空 2021-5-29 13:01:24 隔離po 幾個禮拜前有人收到offer 了
sick即是空 2021-5-29 13:01:45 同cad gfs 一樣
憂鬱的小豬豬 2021-5-30 21:23:03
花么九小王子 2021-6-2 01:50:23 Metrojet請好幾個唔同position嘅intern喎
sick即是空 2021-6-2 17:46:40
sick即是空 2021-6-2 17:53:34 Alton Aviation Consultancy hiring summer intern
花么九小王子 2021-6-2 18:57:20 Ching幾時報
sick即是空 2021-6-2 18:59:21 Last week
花么九小王子 2021-6-2 19:01:04 仲早,可能遲D有
更何況佢地連application deadline都未到,唔驚


sick即是空 2021-6-2 19:02:34 希望啦
花么九小王子 2021-6-2 19:02:45 有冇ching已經開始緊做intern添啦
花么九小王子 2021-6-2 19:16:46 見到人哋外國D人話開始緊喺GE Airbus Boeing P&W做intern真係好鬼羨慕又妒忌
社會性工作者 2021-6-2 19:38:01 我想玩果兩條女多d wor
花么九小王子 2021-6-2 21:43:05 有冇人知呢啲咁嘅網真定假

花么九小王子 2021-6-2 22:43:33 有冇人報過有消息
AEON 2021-6-3 00:05:15 冇,一年365日都請人
AEON 2021-6-3 00:05:52 個position 係真
花么九小王子 2021-6-3 00:09:24 真 成鬼日都見到佢 唔知佢想點
花么九小王子 2021-6-3 00:09:49 但係經呢個網報係咪真


派膠俠 2021-6-3 00:16:20 讀好數英文最緊要,其他都假,而家可能仲有國安法
宗谷海塩 2021-6-3 03:23:34 報咗,被reject咗
花么九小王子 2021-6-3 03:25:24 佢send email黎reject?
宗谷海塩 2021-6-3 03:36:33 Thank you for your interest in Alton Aviation Consultancy. We have had a chance to review and evaluate your candidacy amongst a number of highly qualified applicants with an interest in this position. Unfortunately, we have not elected to proceed with your application at this time.

Due to the high volume of applications received, we are regrettably unable to provide feedback on applications. We do thank you again for your interest in an employment opportunity with Alton Aviation Consultancy, and wish you success in your current job search.

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Alton Recruitment Team
