熊餅 2021-3-8 12:46:23 唔好啦, 就算唔係Oracle都整間M$啦


MMM定仔(迷占) 2021-3-8 12:48:04
狗西議員 2021-3-8 12:49:19 走身後個啲幾好
佢知自己做唔到唔好做好過 我寧願佢望住對面底線走算
最on9係 佢落黎拎波 隻閘跟 佢唔識掉頭跑 然後焗打啲窄位
死獌狗 2021-3-8 12:50:14 唔係加好多渣喎
大胸必隆 2021-3-8 12:50:44 佢應做既野都做左

Decision making 一如既往咁差
巴度 2021-3-8 12:51:29 對Ac比般抖下好似好啲
大胸必隆 2021-3-8 12:53:03 James 真係好波
毀屍函 2021-3-8 12:53:52 Tiktok就好笑
死獌狗 2021-3-8 12:54:16 Jeff McCarthy, senior lecturer in marketing at Manchester Metropolitan University and expert in sports sponsorship, believes it could be unlikely that United fans see a new shirt sponsor in 2021/22.

He said:“United could potentially negotiate a further six-month extension with General Motors, taking it to June 2022. This may help both companies in a period of real uncertainty. General Motors may use that time to select another brand to sponsor and the obvious desired outcome for United is to find a new long-term sponsor.

"If United aren’t able to achieve that ahead of January 2022, they could ‘donate’ their shirt sponsorship to a charity. Clearly that would mean a big temporary hit to commercial revenues but may pay off in the longer-term.”

There are obvious concerns for United if they are forced into a mid-season change.

McCarthy added: " Because kit launches are usually done early August, fans may understandably be reluctant to pay for a kit they know is likely to change, especially when it’s the main shirt sponsor.

"United may proceed with an August kit launch as usual, with the likelihood of reduced sales on launch. They may however experience a higher than usual surge in sales of the newer version with new sponsor in December 2021 or January 2022 but this is unlikely to be at the levels of usual kit launches overall."
McSorley 2021-3-8 12:55:19 經濟環境咁差,曼成績又唔係好,有得加仲想點

本身64M 好似都係已經全世界數一數二高
更科瑠夏(就散) 2021-3-8 12:55:33 Cognizant


MasonGreenwood 2021-3-8 12:56:14 此回覆已被刪除
MasonGreenwood 2021-3-8 12:57:02 此回覆已被刪除
SPCE 2021-3-8 12:57:17 DKNG
SPCE 2021-3-8 12:57:53 廢lin
清宮レイ 2021-3-8 13:00:39

An9ry 2021-3-8 13:02:19 Beef
逆插玫瑰 2021-3-8 13:02:56 小學雞
Ga大勢 2021-3-8 13:03:35 點都唔係零啦
熊餅 2021-3-8 13:03:51 請返去講波, 就係想睇佢地互咬互屌
Ga大勢 2021-3-8 13:04:33 不要再說了



逆插玫瑰 2021-3-8 13:04:41 O’Neal + Barkley
司ミコト 2021-3-8 13:06:27 佢2個一日唔死都仲有大把花生食

胡力威(掙扎中) 2021-3-8 13:06:29 佢地互咬都唔夠呢度互咬咁好睇啦
糖兄的餐單 2021-3-8 13:07:54 啲後生女好多叔控