TSLA 32 長路漫漫是如何走過 寧願讓樂極忘形的我
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-3-9 01:02:02 CureVac (CVAC -3.3%) in collaboration with Tesla (TSLA -2.9%) are developing an mRNA printer that with the help of required reagents could develop mRNA medicines on a computer, tailored to a particular patient’s requirement.


Arsene永遠都存在 2021-3-9 01:02:14 好消息 -> 跌
冇消息 -> 跌
壞消息 -> 暴跌
Bergkamp 2021-3-9 01:06:21 此回覆已被刪除
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-3-9 01:13:48 A group of 17 U.S. House Democrats are introducing legislation as early as today that would award $6B to the U.S. Postal Service to buy tens of thousands of additional electric delivery vehicles.
橙囝 2021-3-9 01:18:56 仲唔訓
pop子 2021-3-9 01:19:31 GME升到高過tsla就好笑
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-3-9 01:38:25 升都升唔起 垃圾到
巨龍薯片 2021-3-9 02:25:10 此回覆已被刪除
買乜跌乜 2021-3-9 03:05:06 又陰啲陰啲咁跌
屌啊媽 2021-3-9 03:05:21 567入咗
栗悟飯和龜派氣功 2021-3-9 03:50:36 等530接貨


bearbear熊 2021-3-9 03:56:58 你好快見到
獅子山下龜頭上 2021-3-9 04:01:27 此回覆已被刪除
牧師琳清真牛牛 2021-3-9 04:20:04 此回覆已被刪除
乾坤燒鵝 2021-3-9 04:30:19 幾時撈底好
栗悟飯和龜派氣功 2021-3-9 05:19:01 分段入 每10%入注 會唔會好d
蚑蟈間諜 2021-3-9 05:39:03 仆街訓著左無睇到個市
噢雪 2021-3-9 05:40:26 已經灰到唔敢睇
大階P 2021-3-9 05:46:26 五連跌 好野
Arsene永遠都存在 2021-3-9 05:48:19 臭雞:our confidence in Tesla has gone up

1. Tesla didn’t lose share of the electric vehicle market when traditional luxury automotive vehicles brought electric cars to the market.

2. ARK believes Tesla will win the lion’s share of the autonomous taxi network in the United States.

dill 2021-3-9 05:48:27 因為gme升


栗悟飯和龜派氣功 2021-3-9 07:18:00 聽日再溝溝
RSSK 2021-3-9 07:27:21
無比膠 2021-3-9 07:28:39 此回覆已被刪除
連登專業假膠 2021-3-9 07:38:20 此回覆已被刪除