LIHKG Justice League Snyder Cut 倒數15日繼續圍爐討論
坂道みるHek 2021-3-11 19:50:00 有人包imax一定g持


葉子誠 2021-3-11 20:24:04 想join now e睇JL係咪join $99 個個就ok
十三太保之蓋世保 2021-3-11 20:36:33 唔係$78果個綜合娛樂組合咩?
葉子誠 2021-3-11 20:41:15 再睇下先
傷膝青年 2021-3-11 20:43:11

Manganiello spoke to the Happy Sad Confused podcast about the character and implied there could potentially be a future for Deathstroke. The actor revealed his character was set to appear in the Suicide Squad sequel at one point, but those plans were ultimately nixed. So, too, were plans for the Justice League sequel he would've appeared in. Still, Manganiello predicts a lot of excitement for the future of his character after viewers see what Snyder has done with Deathstroke in the Justice League Snyder Cut:

I think there's going to be excitement over continuing what Zack was up to.
阿阿阿阿閃 2021-3-11 20:49:41 $78 有HBO GO就可以
傷膝青年 2021-3-11 21:09:30
十三太保之蓋世保 2021-3-11 22:17:07 出就一定會,但唔知幾時
TheDarkKnight 2021-3-11 22:53:09



柒咗柒埋右 2021-3-11 22:54:22 啲critics不嬲都唔鍾意Zack Snyder
柒咗柒埋右 2021-3-11 23:05:03
Dick_Grayson 2021-3-11 23:15:43 Rt無左公信力好耐啦
災難大師 2021-3-11 23:22:37

艾斯卡諾世一 2021-3-11 23:27:15 覺得左邊靚D係唔係我問題
乳帶雙瓜 2021-3-11 23:32:35 無知一問 想問下機頂盒now有冇得租黎睇
豚鼠車車 2021-3-11 23:53:53 呢條友邊個嚟
On9 2021-3-12 00:10:06 唔係好接受到超人條女個肚係batman搞大
唔好搞d 咁嘅野啦
來自地球的人 2021-3-12 00:11:43 大佬可唔可以加個密先講
24人共用帳戶 2021-3-12 00:17:46 又咁講... 條友寫開d劇本都唔好睇佢個標準實低d


On9 2021-3-12 00:20:38 巴打你睇返上面先,係講緊已棄用嘅原劇本
來自地球的人 2021-3-12 00:57:16
現代化 2021-3-12 10:01:13 睇左zack版JL文字劇透