[HKU/CU CP] 有無人有報左今年Clin Psy
唔怪得知瘦 2021-4-23 10:40:53


耍廢哈姆太郎 2021-4-23 11:33:48 +1 想喊
唔怪得知瘦 2021-4-23 16:42:29
耍廢哈姆太郎 2021-4-23 16:47:19 打左上去dept問,話within 4月都冇人通知就88,巴打一齊加油!
唔怪得知瘦 2021-4-23 18:03:12
北極熊的小淫妻 2021-4-23 19:31:47 我尋日打去department 問,同事話佢完全唔知進度,因為係個別老師自己打電話,淨係知係within 4月內聯絡哂
唔怪得知瘦 2021-4-23 19:34:13
耍廢哈姆太郎 2021-4-23 19:55:20 好想同到大家做同學
北極熊的小淫妻 2021-4-29 11:51:16 大家或者身邊朋友有冇再收到HKU消息

唔怪得知瘦 2021-4-29 12:16:10
唔怪得知瘦 2021-4-29 20:20:41


石上真男人 2021-4-29 20:42:00 此回覆已被刪除
北極熊的小淫妻 2021-4-29 22:29:24 雖然之前問咗係會call到30號,但一直都無收過電話email都覺得應該係唔成功
耍廢哈姆太郎 2021-4-29 22:36:22 同感呀,一直諗到底係點…所有識得入左hku 2nd round嘅都收唔到消息…

唔怪得知瘦 2021-4-29 22:38:28
9up的你凍嗎?? 2021-4-29 22:38:58 此回覆已被刪除
CHUBBYPENGUIN 2021-4-29 23:59:38
CHUBBYPENGUIN 2021-4-30 00:02:43
心理迷藏 2021-5-15 00:48:04
點改名呀屌 2021-6-23 16:36:37 A very recent study (not published yet, by Sarah Victor, she discussed in a podcast) found that 80% of clinical psychology and counseling psychology *graduate students and faculty members* (sample > 2k+) in US and Canada suffered from mental health conditions at some points of their life, 50% are "mesearching". One good thing about this study is that the recruitment email only mentioned "clinical and research interests" so this reduces self-selection bias. The % may still be an overestimate.

Also, apart from that stigmatization professor, I have heard of numerous CPs / mental health professors with lived experience (autism, ADHD, gender issues, depression, etc) in HK from several universities. One CP cohort >50% (the admission committee *didn't* have that stigma professor btw) have lived exp. It is not that rare in HK, people just don't disclose for obvious reasons.

That said, even those US and Canada programs (despite that most faculty members have their histories) are super careful and sometimes reluctant in admitting applicants with lived experience. Some of those programs asked specific questions/ or even request letters from MHPs (last time of relapse, current stabiity etc) There are relapse risks. They obviously prefer applicants with lived experience but *have been stable for n years* before admitting them. I support default personal therapy (maybe not mandatory) for CP/counselling trainees.
Psypoor 2021-6-23 16:56:47 Very good sharing. yes it’s difficult to disclose our psych history.
Hope there more chance for applicants with lived experience.


Psypoor 2021-6-23 17:12:36 no doubt, with more knowledge and clinical background, those psychologists and faculty members are easier to recall that they had suffered from mental health conditions at some point of their life. But they become stable now.
石上真男人 2021-6-23 18:27:49 此回覆已被刪除
點改名呀屌 2021-6-23 19:27:54 Yes that's possible for some grad students and faculty members. I contacted Sarah Victor (as I am working/will work on related research), the author of the upcoming preprint/article. She said there are separate questions: 1) formal diagnosis by MHPs, 2) Non-MHP-diagnosed mental health challenges/issues/disorders etc. Waiting for the full results to come out (she said likely in a few weeks). The 80% probably includes both 1) and 2) but I am not sure.
Psypoor 2021-6-23 19:35:26