BNO visa批咗了
仁盡可俘 2021-3-2 15:55:04 正 有得走好走 香港人治社會


林寶_ 2021-3-2 16:06:03 如果呢幾年買咗樓,三年內賣要俾港共罰特別印花稅,兩年內樓按就罰息。唔好彩 BNO 出台前先至買咗樓嘅,就咁綁住。好彩早幾年買咗嘅,放樓賺到幾年生活費
忠誠勇毅心繫鄉黑 2021-3-2 16:11:10 我住得近,自己上去拎
求靜 2021-3-2 16:18:20 其實我都唔遠
但唔知點解佢好努力說服我用courier 所做是但
364443 2021-3-2 16:28:30 俾visa fee嗰陣如果唔用英磅俾 就會係信用卡扣台幣既金額?
Christensen 2021-3-2 16:36:26
銃夢_戰鬥天使 2021-3-2 16:37:21 此回覆已被刪除
竹筍波 2021-3-2 16:48:14 咁真係無計了
美利堅省長喬拜登 2021-3-2 16:48:22 BNO帶唔帶得兄弟姊妹走
夕樹中子 2021-3-2 16:53:14 唔得
特辣隊長 2021-3-2 16:54:49 睇親條條YOUTUBE片都話要英國住址同證明, 諗極都唔明點解要.......


開聲啦李老尾 2021-3-2 16:58:00 當visa批左會寫住90日內要走。如要延期好似要補1600蚊約。
J.Harden 2021-3-2 16:58:59 bye
樂不思蜀中無大將 2021-3-2 17:39:03 Me too
避刃兔 2021-3-2 18:38:52 等緊too
好頭痛 2021-3-2 22:30:16 study English for now, need good results in IELTS (or PTE for Australia) to boost your score, in many countries
好頭痛 2021-3-2 22:32:49 good question
you need to fulfil the employer sponsorship requirements for skilled worker visa, if they do not have valid work rights (such as YMS, graduate visa)

good official website, check it out
好頭痛 2021-3-2 22:34:02 it becomes easier after Brexit, the sponsorship requirements are relaxed a bit
now it's called the skilled worker visa, NOT T2
anyway suggest Canada, just study 2 years, and get 3 year OWP (even without HKers pathway)
好頭痛 2021-3-2 22:34:55 google Youth Mobility Scheme, Graduate Visa, skilled worker visa
あかい 2021-3-2 22:35:09 一路順風呀巴打
遇到咩困難 都要好好生活

蟲蟲特攻隊 2021-3-2 22:35:19 Lm


あかLAM 2021-3-2 22:37:15 Stay safe
good luck
羊駝君 2021-3-2 22:48:30 Perhaps I already have the required language skills ;) but thank you anyway
蒙太奇 2021-3-2 22:50:47
巴士仔 2021-3-2 23:09:36 唔係