Amlodipine 2021-7-2 19:55:50 應該係啦
唔知果樣樂器咩名 Google完我諗係


無故撩交嗌係自卑 2021-7-2 22:40:24 你形容到好吸引
利 唔太識柴,極鍾意Rachmaninoff 2
Amlodipine 2021-7-2 22:48:15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHO2Wr9yQeQ
無故撩交嗌係自卑 2021-7-2 22:54:02 好正 多謝sis
nnya 2021-7-3 06:45:33 第四樂章真係好撚癲 個種抑鬱同絕望係入心入肺
長腿媽媽 2021-7-4 01:36:22 此回覆已被刪除
nnya 2021-7-4 06:01:40 https://youtu.be/fQAE4uBxgR0
nnya 2021-7-4 07:14:17 https://youtu.be/8a4Q84HxDAY
ド根性忍伝。落實 2021-7-5 06:02:39 https://youtu.be/g20SPDNm6cA
nnya 2021-7-5 10:36:02 https://youtu.be/EcibAL3vicY
nnya 2021-7-5 10:47:40 https://youtu.be/uFt2szkRiGI


今朝冇酒 2021-7-5 11:40:59 此回覆已被刪除
ド根性忍伝。落實 2021-7-6 00:31:30 你邊位呀我唔識你㗎喎
nnya 2021-7-6 02:05:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-uP7w9ZEkA
nnya 2021-7-6 02:30:02 屌前面講左一大堆野 後面比我聽埋啲垃圾....我屌你老母...
今朝冇酒 2021-7-6 10:21:33 此回覆已被刪除
今朝冇酒 2021-7-6 10:54:01 此回覆已被刪除
ド根性忍伝。落實 2021-7-6 15:35:31 你知唔知中學音樂老師要揀一手個團玩到嘅係幾難所以來來去去都係嗰幾首

ド根性忍伝。落實 2021-7-6 15:39:00 https://youtu.be/N7XH-58eB8c

唔係handel fans 咁啱見到先share

ド根性忍伝。落實 2021-7-6 15:46:16 想扮佢兩分半鐘嗰陣唱完嗰句時個甜笑 但係高音到咳七咗
nnya 2021-7-7 09:23:16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCc01NgACjY


樹枝少年 2021-7-7 10:20:03 喜劇成份
nnya 2021-7-7 11:33:29 細川俊夫係一個我好鐘意既作曲家 算係個人風格好重(啲人會話佢係東方風格或者日本風格) 既當代作曲家 佢寫既野冇歐洲個種織體咁厚重 偏薄(相信又係其中一樣被歸為東方風格既特點,武滿徹都係咁) 同時間佢寫野結構唔係用果種比較機械化logic 黎安排自己材料(好似xenakis,或者法國頻譜音樂就係反例) 即係話佢寫野思維都係相對lyrical(好難再講音樂性..)同考慮審美的
你可以聽到佢既作品通常就係用一種不協和(當然視乎佢實際點寫會有唔同音色)既線條黎填寫既 而佢呢種線條對於我黎講係敘事性既 或者對聽眾可以話係experiencial 就好似你聽wagner咁 佢既音樂永遠令到你聽既時候係充滿想像力

Circulating Ocean 循環する海 (2005)
“Circulating Ocean was commissioned by the
Salzburg Festival, composed in early 2005, and is
dedicated to Peter Ruzicka. It received its world première
at the Festival on 20th and 21st August 2005 with the
Vienna Philharmonic, conducted by Valery Gergiev.
For some years I have been writing, and will continue
to write, works on the theme of “Ocean”. I am attempting
to express in sound the flow and change of water by
apprehending sound as water. The ocean is for me the
birthplace of life, a being possessed of infinite depth and
expanse. The waves rolling in and withdrawing can be felt
as “the voice from eternity”. Water evaporates from the
ocean and rises to the sky, becoming clouds. The clouds
eventually turn into rain, and pour down again to the
ocean. They then become a storm, and the ocean rages.
In time the storm abates and the ocean regains a deep
silence. Then the water, once again becoming a fog,
ascends from the ocean to the sky. This image became
the basis of the music. I also take the tracks of the
circulating water as the human life cycle. Born from a vast
limitless being, we ascend toward the heights, eventually
begin our descent, experience violent storms and return
again to an ocean of deep silence. Then once again, life
rises to the sky. I wanted to express the tracks of this
circulating life in music.
The orchestra can be seen as the traditional Japanese
shô, a kind of mouth organ. The shô player produces
sound by breathing in and out. The sound cast outward
from the player by his breathing out comes back to him by
his breathing in. This repetition produces time in the form
of a circle. The wave motion of the ocean is a wave motion
of sound that surges in toward and out from the audience
in crescendo and decrescendo. The wave motion,
expressed by the various instrumental sections, folds over
again and again. After experiencing the storm, the ocean
regains a deep stillness, and the water once again
becomes vapour and ascends to the sky. As the ocean
disappears into the unresolved nebulousness of the deep
fog, we are made to feel a premonition of life’s return.”

landscape風景V(1993) for Shô and string quartet

Nocturne for jūshichi-gensō (十七絃箏) (1982)
今朝冇酒 2021-7-7 11:37:59 此回覆已被刪除
樹枝少年 2021-7-7 12:51:41 鍾意BB仔都啱聽嘅symphony 7