AMD討論POST(65) 睇#1&有時間幫手填資料
狗性易發 2021-3-23 18:03:12



又係你條撚樣 2021-3-23 18:53:54 用緊Crucial Ballistix RGB 32gb x2 3200Ghz C16
又係你條撚樣 2021-3-23 18:56:44 x 同 non x 有咩分別

點解x 會少兩條ram? 易超ram 啲
SL人介UT 2021-3-23 19:02:03 2 dimm slot vs 4 dimm slot
Unify-X 超RAM更易上high frequency。
SL人介UT 2021-3-23 19:04:12 Then must choose unify-x
Jacksjoke 2021-3-23 19:35:14 呢個上到3800
真係幾無聊 2021-3-23 20:23:56 用緊non-RGB版. 4條16GB 超到3733
Jacksjoke 2021-3-23 22:34:28
邊方明 2021-3-23 23:35:26 已換機 貼下PCIE 4.0 M.2 SSD

換咗板, RAM, U 竟然Windows 照可以用返同埋activate 返
暫時未將OS 搬去以上M.2 SSD
Jacksjoke 2021-3-23 23:37:40 你個window license 應該link 左ms account
邊方明 2021-3-24 00:07:29 link 咗都唔係咁簡單過到
因為之前bootcamp macbook 裝win10 都係activate 唔到

記得以前MS 當mobtherboard 係PC 靈魂, license 好似跟motherboard 咁去計
但估唔到而家click 幾個掣由得我過license 過去新機


凌風 2021-3-24 08:16:30 send email 去問arctic 拎又得
拎張實體單去a shop 都得

月薪百萬的廢青 2021-3-24 08:17:19
Jacksjoke 2021-3-25 11:01:59
京都念慈ohm 2021-3-25 13:53:07 我隻Liquid Freezer II 係一出就買,應該係第一代AM4 Mount,其實換做最新版mount 對溫度有冇影響呢?
凌風 2021-3-25 15:37:54 低唔少

Jacksjoke 2021-3-25 16:00:47 AMD Threadripper 3975wx Dream Workstation Build!
邊方明 2021-3-25 17:11:12
Jacksjoke 2021-3-25 17:12:49 睇下有冇whea error 先
邊方明 2021-3-25 17:16:21 just passed CTR2.1 diagnosis
凌風 2021-3-25 17:17:46 行下tune


邊方明 2021-3-25 17:18:00 I'm using the stock cooler with stock thermal paste

Thermalright is on the way sending me the AM4 mount and paid USD21 to them for shipping.
Much more expensive than the GELID HKD20 solution
狗性易發 2021-3-25 17:19:05 而家其實只要你上一條key入係有login ms account pc
狗性易發 2021-3-25 17:30:53
睇下有冇whea error 先
just passed CTR2.1 diagnosis
I'm using the stock cooler with stock thermal paste

Thermalright is on the way sending me the AM4 mount and paid USD21 to them for shipping.
Much more expensive than the GELID HKD20 solution

邊方明 2021-3-25 17:34:14 煲機之後先拆應該帽事嘅