AMD討論POST(65) 睇#1&有時間幫手填資料
Midway 2021-3-8 15:02:16 開機自動會開


凌風 2021-3-8 15:15:35 我未試過炒rgb fusion

但裝完rgb fusion 就一定用唔返 win10 個astro software
@不了@ 2021-3-8 15:25:30
南小鳥花陽 2021-3-8 15:28:19 底板software始終應該都係共石最穩陣
凌風 2021-3-8 15:29:01 我個人覺得唔好唔同廠嘅rgb software神仙打架已經好ok
@不了@ 2021-3-8 15:29:47 玩rgb真係好煩
凌風 2021-3-8 15:30:02 唔裝最穩陣

屌你老母msi 個rgb software 格硬整合左落去msi sdk
@不了@ 2021-3-8 15:38:12
msi 個rgb 都好多事
洛托姆圖鑑 2021-3-8 15:55:31 OpenRGB
凌風 2021-3-8 16:06:17 唔suppory giga
Jacksjoke 2021-3-8 16:17:35 Threadripper Pro 代理已經開始返貨😊😊😊


狗性易發 2021-3-8 17:11:14 AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro 3975WX $23999
AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro 3995WX $47999

Jacksjoke 2021-3-8 17:25:01 你都冇Pcie lanes &大量ram需求
狗性易發 2021-3-8 17:29:23 而家冇唔代表將來冇

狗性易發 2021-3-8 17:31:13 見原先果 3 隻 strx4 threadripper 外國好多已經標話冇貨
ebay 二手個價就一路升
Jacksjoke 2021-3-8 18:38:53 因為大部分做左server die
醉愛智仔 2021-3-8 19:54:03 請問無wifi要求 淨係用一條m.2 用asrock b550m itx/ac o唔ok?
醉愛智仔 2021-3-8 19:58:22
giga b550i 有咩伏?
請問無wifi要求 淨係用一條m.2同雙mon 用asrock b550m itx/ac o唔ok?
南小鳥花陽 2021-3-8 20:02:45 係說明書唔寫清楚姐
佢嗰mosfet+pch hs combo出嚟效果係好好

基本上mosfet, m2, pch長期一樣/差唔多溫度



我條M2係SN700(Black 2018)
@不了@ 2021-3-8 20:05:13 睇用咩cpu+有冇io需求
@不了@ 2021-3-8 20:09:40 咩甲玩左我15-30分鐘


塊板冇 debug led


Jacksjoke 2021-3-8 23:40:54 AMD has since confirmed to us that this is its current guidance on the matter. The advice comes as just that, advice, and it doesn't appear that these steps are guaranteed to resolve the issue for all users. However, it appears the company is getting closer to the root of the matter. Here's the short version of the advice, with emphasis added to the most relevant bits:

"Based on user feedback we have received; the suggestions below could improve or resolve general USB device stuttering issues.

1.) Verify that your motherboard is updated to the latest BIOS version and configured using optimized/factory default settings. Check your motherboard manufacturer’s website for BIOS update and download instructions.

2.) Check if your Windows 10 is on the latest build and fully up to date. For information on updating Windows 10, please refer to Microsoft article: Update Windows 10

3.) Ensure that the Ryzen chipset driver from AMD is installed and up to date. Latest Ryzen chipset driver version is .

If you continue to experience USB connectivity problems after following the suggestions above, you may consider using either of the following workaround:

1.) Set PCIe mode from Gen4/Auto to Gen 3 in the BIOS
2.) Disable Global C-State in the BIOS.

These settings are found in the BIOS. Please refer to the motherboard user manual if more information is needed."
Jacksjoke 2021-3-8 23:42:52 留意呢個係臨時解決方法 解決usb2.0 問題既Bios要等下
kawss 2021-3-9 15:44:52 豐澤 5950X 5900X現貨
Jacksjoke 2021-3-9 18:08:25 AMD to Launch 3rd Generation EPYC on March 15th: Milan with Zen 3