uwu曲折 2021-2-27 20:12:46 此回覆已被刪除


175識襯衫既靚仔 2021-2-27 20:13:09 娛樂性嘅藥一律當毒品
MDMA 2021-2-27 20:13:16 Heroine= 鴉片類藥物: 嗎啡,美沙酮,Fentanyl, Codeine etc 醫院常見藥物

Ketamine=麻醉/抗抑鬱藥: 手術麻醉常見藥物
一23四 2021-2-27 20:15:12 但大部分都係無ptsd
用頭打飛機 2021-2-27 20:16:13 咁酒算唔算毒品既一種
MDMA 2021-2-27 20:17:20 Recreational 根本冇問題
用test kit make sure 係食緊真MDMA
Keep 注意補充水份
X.L 2021-2-27 20:17:55 此回覆已被刪除
你好野我地走 2021-2-27 20:18:13 做咩呀?識人pair呀?
港毒之父 2021-2-27 20:18:48 此回覆已被刪除
初級網絡評論員 2021-2-27 20:19:17 吸毒嘅人其實係比較成功

MDMA 2021-2-27 20:19:24 你點界定佢係一種藥?
咁迷幻蘑菇? 鼠尾草? 天然草本植物嚟㗎喎


萄葡撚 2021-2-27 20:19:33 喺reddit睇過一篇文形容吸毒上癮既文章, 佢講得好好

As much as people want to think of the world as black and white; right and wrong, do or don't, it's much more nuanced than that. The best way I can describe it is a steady succession of bad choices over a period of time, brought on by life events. I am of the firm belief that an individual is born an addict. Your brain is just waiting for the right stimulant to manifest the addiction. For a lot of people, it's alcohol. Others, it's stimulants. The first time I tried opioids was when I was fifteen (I'm twenty-three now).

In American Psycho, Brett Easton Ellis writes a line that truly defines addiction for me. He writes, "Relief washes over me like an awesome wave". When I took opiates, from the moment I first felt the effects, I knew they would ultimately be a problem.

So, trying them sporadically over the next few years, I first started abusing them after a four-year relationship ended. You tell yourself, "Oh I'll just buy some for tomorrow and then I'll wait a week". That turns into, "I'll do pills, but I'll never try heroin; that's for junkies. I'm above that. I'm refined." Which turns into, "Well Heroin is so much cheaper than pills, so I'll buy that. But I'll only smoke it. Shooting it in your veins is for the hardcore users. I'm above that. I'm refined." Which turns into, "Well I can sit there and smoke $20 worth of heroin in one sitting, or I can shoot $5 worth into my veins, and piece it out four times." I'll tell you right now. The high from putting junk in your veins compared to even smoking it is absolutely incomparable. You know the beginning scene of Trainspotting when Renton has the tie around his arm, cigarette dangling out of his mouth, and his eyes are rolled into the back of his skull? He says, "Take the best orgasm you've ever had, multiply it by a thousand, and you're still no where near the feel of a hit in your veins." That's the best description I could ever hope to actualize.

No one will truly understand the things that we users will do in order to get our next hit. Being dope sick is literally the worst pain I have ever been in in my entire life. When people think of pain, they think of acute, and visceral pain. Being dope sick is acutely painful, as well as having a psychological skull-fuck on the user. The feeling of sitting by my phone, waiting for my dealer to wake the fuck up from his inevitable hit-inducing four-hour coma; having a text come in from someone who is not your d-boy (the ONLY person you want anything to do with in the entire world at that moment) and screaming at your phone, launching it across your room. The feeling of your dealer saying that he'll be at the spot in ten minutes, and him not showing up for a fucking hour, while you sit in your car slamming your hands against the steering wheel, skin crawling and sweat drip down your brow.

It's indescribable. But hey. When you get that hit in you, it's all worth it. It's like you learned nothing from the past four hours. From the past week. From the past however-long. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting different results; somehow thinking that the experience will be different from the last.

I've seen my dad cry twice in my life. Once when his brother was in the hospital, and the other is when I woke up from my heroin overdose in the hospital with tubes down my throat. I'm 23 years old, and seeing my dad cry kind of broke me even more. I hope you can find peace, and I encourage you to PM me if you ever want to talk.

I wouldn't wish addiction on my worst enemy. I hope that explanation at least scratches the surface
護連手(迷冰) 2021-2-27 20:20:40 你點知?
ars 2021-2-27 20:21:03 勁 原來支持民主就一定要試下隊草

黑色生命線 2021-2-27 20:21:20 此回覆已被刪除
盛世經已散盡時光 2021-2-27 20:22:56 大麻啫

175識襯衫既靚仔 2021-2-27 20:23:00 主要作用係產生幻覺就ban 曬佢
係男人就頂硬上 2021-2-27 20:24:16 網上有好多資料講,好多富豪都有食,上面都有幾段資料同影片

護連手(迷冰) 2021-2-27 20:24:28 咁你而家係咪好似非洲土著食人族,笑人哋唔食人係無知
MDMA 2021-2-27 20:25:53 咁所有傷風感冒藥都要ban

護連手(迷冰) 2021-2-27 20:26:03 唔使搵咁多,你話所有富豪都係道友

我知elon musk有,呢個唔使貼


刀下留人 2021-2-27 20:26:19 大麻420果D好撚潮架

蕉戲勃勃 2021-2-27 20:29:48 吸毒食煙都係傻仔傻女,冇乜事都係佢哋自己揹,與人無尤。
盛世經已散盡時光 2021-2-27 20:32:54 但係煙同酒嘅危害其實相當大
將佢同weed/shroom/lsd 放埋一齊唔係好啱

盛世經已散盡時光 2021-2-27 20:34:18 想禁酒??