[WithU] NiziU 討論區 (5) TAP / PS 雙主打 CB!Nina 生日快樂!日韓市場我都要!
白左,朕要進來了 2021-3-13 18:35:39


登高入地恩為我 2021-3-13 22:22:40 光妹so cute!
小宅宅 2021-3-14 00:32:36 感覺返晒黎

登高入地恩為我 2021-3-14 01:38:52 希望畀啲機會光妹上歌謠祭唱下cover歌。
終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 01:45:31 Niziu 『Make You Happy』 MV but in 60FPS

願榮光歸香港 2021-3-14 01:55:47 此回覆已被刪除
終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 02:51:34 係無用 ! 咁點呀 ?!
終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 04:13:43 NiziU H&M 好似 出咗 !

終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 04:37:02 https://twitter.com/alouette_hibari/status/1370674567191035909
王陽明先生 2021-3-14 09:23:59 https://www.koreaboo.com/news/protecttwice-trends-exploitative-slave-chatroom-operator-american-guy/

“He could be charged for blackmailing and coercion. Seeing that he also leaked the victims’ private information, he could be charged for the violation of the Personal Information Protection Act. As many have fallen victim to him, he is likely to receive a stronger sentence if taken to court.”

— Lawyer Cho Hee Yeon

原來NiziU都被黑,估計係Rima家族有關,因為佢哋都有黑Sana 喺19年慨嘆平成年代終結,依班友運作咗兩年㗎啦!
願榮光歸香港 2021-3-14 13:17:19 此回覆已被刪除


願榮光歸香港 2021-3-14 15:29:36 此回覆已被刪除
終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 15:52:42 https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1370933555614740488
終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 15:54:08 https://twitter.com/drawingAY09/status/1370731687470985216
終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 16:09:34 冇呀
冇 loved ones 呀 !
終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 16:12:12 Nani ??

終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 16:25:29
王陽明先生 2021-3-14 17:30:35 佢亞爺好似係二戰軍需品供應商
願榮光歸香港 2021-3-14 17:48:29 此回覆已被刪除
科興一定要日日打 2021-3-14 17:57:18 靚到
科興一定要日日打 2021-3-14 17:59:09 韓國出道可以慢慢嚟


王陽明先生 2021-3-14 19:19:25 https://youtu.be/3PHhEri5P9Q
終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 20:44:56
科興一定要日日打 2021-3-14 21:23:43 d look好好j
終極ON9平井桃 2021-3-14 22:08:33 米色la
要色就色 jyp papa