[親生仔] Google Pixel 討論區 (58) Pixel 5a 不日上市
森無無∅ 2021-3-17 15:01:27 部4a唔夠一年又跌爆咗mon
係咪a系列d mon易爆啲

見d friend仲粗用過我都無事


47の素敵な街 2021-3-17 15:10:26 前幾日自己試好似解決左

快用肥皂擦撚 2021-3-17 16:11:32 你朋友係咪A先
森無無∅ 2021-3-17 16:17:21 唔係a
快用肥皂擦撚 2021-3-17 16:19:28 咁可能A啲mon差啲 平野
這世界太可笑 2021-3-17 18:12:23 4a 個mon塊玻璃無5咁高規格
步步花生 2021-3-17 22:29:09 你係咪都係Pixel Stand?

排除緊係個AC adapter, 條USB C cable定係個Pixel Stand出事

On95g4 2021-3-17 22:32:06 前兩日見到話無線叉電有 bug.
我無用 pixel stand. 呢幾日無閃了。
HOTSno1 2021-3-17 22:39:16
步步花生 2021-3-18 02:01:36 https://9to5google.com/2021/03/17/android-12-dp2-dark-theme-on-pixel-gets-even-lighter/

屌 係咪戇撚鳩
Stone1210 2021-3-18 02:21:07

Android 12冇咗全黑dark mode


HOTSno1 2021-3-18 02:30:20 幾時比返9格quick setting 6格點用
Husky 2021-3-18 08:26:25
藍絲leezy黃俊傑 2021-3-18 08:30:31 ios轉過嚟an機都要死守唔升
發夢中 2021-3-18 10:27:14 https://www.xda-developers.com/google-pixel-phone-under-display-fingerprint-scanner
Android 12 DP2 hints at a future Pixel device with an under-display fingerprint scanner

Earlier today, Google published the second Developer Preview of Android 12. Within the code, developer kdrag0n spotted several new classes in the SystemUIGoogle app. One of these classes is called “UdfpsControllerGoogle”, where “Udfps” refers to “under-display fingerprint scanner.”

These new Udfps classes are part of the com.google.android.systemui path rather than com.android.systemui, suggesting that these classes are being developed for Pixel phones rather than AOSP. This isn’t definitive evidence that a future Pixel phone will have an under-display fingerprint scanner, but based on our experience learning about new Pixel features this way, we feel confident enough to now raise this as a possibility.

發夢中 2021-3-18 10:28:38 如果要9格,只係可以用Magisk先做到
先兒口角繼兒動母 2021-3-18 11:11:59 暫時Android 12完全冇好似10同11咁吸引到人去升
最強さん 2021-3-18 11:16:05 屌你老味Google Maps有廣告
夜神裕一郎 2021-3-18 13:13:48 好多位都係冇野改揾野改
カルー🇨🇮 2021-3-18 13:43:41 第一次唔想升
HOTSno1 2021-3-18 14:22:30


HOTSno1 2021-3-18 15:18:10
蘋果智能手機 2021-3-18 17:25:12 吓唔係啊嘛,10年前嘅科技…
諗返起以前Android 2.6 htc 年代[/left]
先兒口角繼兒動母 2021-3-18 17:56:30 嗰時d心跳app係fake架
嫪毐 2021-3-18 17:57:25 其實今次android update 嘅 orientation 係乜?