我宣布經手機App申請英國BNO Visa 今日正式啟動!!!
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-2-23 09:09:34


世界足球先生 2021-2-23 09:12:17 用IB轉英鎊啦 個rate靚好多
秘色瓷 2021-2-23 09:12:54 有懷疑最緊要睇原文


In order to qualify for settled status after 5 years, visa holders must meet our rules for continuous residence in the UK, which allow for absences of up to 180 days in any 12- month period. Once settled status is acquired, it may be retained despite absences from the UK of up to 2 years but may be forfeited if absences are longer without good reason. If after 5 years the visa holder does not apply for settled status or is refused, they will be expected to leave the UK and may be removed. Those here temporarily or with settled status who commit criminal acts may be removed.
Daniel_Levy 2021-2-23 09:14:19 係入境個下開始計5+1
or 批左申請之後即刻開始計5+1?

(開始有五毛入post, 注意)
邱吉爾 2021-2-23 09:15:08 梗係入境啦你係咪搞笑
Daniel_Levy 2021-2-23 09:16:42 OK
帕格妮妮 2021-2-23 09:17:00
番工好眼訓 2021-2-23 09:17:55 如果打算5月先飛過去 係唔係都應該計足12weeks做申請請時間之後先飛?
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-2-23 09:18:01 其實係 所以並非真無限期

因為你批咗 會收到email
會寫the dates your visa is valid (start date and end date)
時也命也運也 2021-2-23 09:18:34 pish
Daniel_Levy 2021-2-23 09:18:47 BNO visa...清
要本人or 老豆老母有先申請到


水水水淼淼 2021-2-23 09:19:19
中英文名 2021-2-23 09:19:36
Daniel_Levy 2021-2-23 09:20:13 等等,姐係仲未知係咪入境個下先開始計?
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-2-23 09:20:28 佢官方答案係12星期

女飛魚 2021-2-23 09:21:22 thanks
帕格妮妮 2021-2-23 09:21:49
飛天pigpig豬 2021-2-23 09:21:53 係咪住滿5年就100%拎到永居,入藉就睇一年後批唔批你?好驚用左咁多年時間搞,最後要反香港
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-2-23 09:21:56
我不是她 2021-2-23 09:22:57 此回覆已被刪除
深紅之王 2021-2-23 09:24:03 推啊


秘色瓷 2021-2-23 09:24:10 BNO過左期都得

You can use a valid or expired British national (overseas) passport to show your British national (overseas) status.

噬謊者 2021-2-23 09:24:33
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-2-23 09:24:56 當佢批你1 April 2021-2026
就要再續 好似最少續30個月
Holosun 2021-2-23 09:24:58 係呀。所以7月1日之後出世果啲咪無BNO囉