[HKUSPACE]召集所有太空人面孔(55) 3月1號乖乖地返去上F2F啦
躺平三六零 2021-7-23 11:30:41



躺平三六零 2021-7-23 11:31:26 擺錯左
寵物訓練大學PTU 2021-7-23 11:52:40
尼馬上風 2021-7-23 12:00:18 仲等緊
韋利安愛助攻 2021-7-23 12:23:01 想問aa 嘅 chin lan lit cul year1係讀啲咩。。。
係咪generic skills加electives…有少少睇唔明
JFFT打手 2021-7-23 14:26:52 小弟五月完左最後一個Sem,High dip畢業。

conditional offer 叫我交official transcript 比佢,但係我跟住指示開learner portal 個Student self service。發現無apply 個舊野,連My future都無。

係咪已經當左我係Non current student,一定要返學校寫form 申請?
JFFT打手 2021-7-23 14:28:55 原來有個灰色三角要撳開先有,對唔住 我自膠

大金庫 2021-7-23 15:46:00
躺平三六零 2021-7-23 17:34:08 應該唔會谷針
唯有係咁啦 2021-7-23 19:21:31 大家覺得space hd sport coaching 讀唔讀得過
急凍太陽 2021-7-23 19:55:25 Space有冇得reg科


急凍太陽 2021-7-23 20:04:31
盜民宅 2021-7-23 20:56:57
躺平三六零 2021-7-23 23:33:35 太空校長係偏黃嘅

盜民宅 2021-7-23 23:39:01
宮內晴香 2021-7-24 16:11:56 想問下韓研有冇tg gp
王詮勝 2021-7-24 16:45:05
Zante 2021-7-24 18:01:11
究極版中央暖爐 2021-7-26 15:12:28
躺平三六零 2021-7-27 18:41:40 Dear Students,

Hope you are enjoying your summer break. I would like to update you on our teaching arrangement for Semester 1, 2021/22. Teaching will be conducted face-to-face (f2f) in principle. We will follow the University’s guidelines and adopt a room capacity of 75% of the original capacity. The general principles are as follows:

Delivery mode of tutorials, laboratories, practicum and field work will be f2f.
Courses with nominal class size 30 or below will be conducted f2f.
For other courses, classes will be split into two groups to attend f2f classes as per schedule in Annex A. Students with the last digit of their student numbers (SID) being an odd number belong to Group A, and will attend the f2f classes in the odd teaching weeks and view recorded lectures in self-managed manner in the even teaching weeks. Those with last digit of their SID being an even number belong to Group B, and will attend the f2f classes in the even teaching weeks and view recorded lectures in self-managed manner in the odd teaching weeks.
We would keep the practice of uploading the recorded lectures on SOUL. Hence, there will be no live streaming.
Some courses with pedagogical reasons may have slightly different arrangements.
Detailed teaching arrangements of your courses will be announced in early September.
If you are currently outside Hong Kong, please plan for your return trip to Hong Kong so that you will be able to attend f2f classes in mid-September as all inbound travellers entering Hong Kong would be subject to prevailing compulsory quarantine arrangement (https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/inbound-travel.html). If you have genuine difficulties in attending f2f classes (due to compulsory quarantine, flight suspension etc.), please inform the College Office via email (ccad@hkuspace.hku.hk/cchd@hkuspace.hku.hk) on or before 23 August 2021.

The College encourages all students to be vaccinated as soon as possible. This will certainly make your return to full-time study much safer for the new academic year.

See you on campus soon!

Prof LS Chan
College Principal
躺平三六零 2021-7-27 18:47:56 懶人包:
-學生編號最後一個數字單數:Group A
-學生編號最後一個數字雙數:Group B


盜民宅 2021-7-27 18:51:53 起碼冇迫針
躺平三六零 2021-7-27 18:52:14
究極版中央暖爐 2021-7-27 19:11:23 龍生玩到咁大仲要出神入化真係世一
點嗯步 2021-7-27 20:15:56 不如跟星座分啦