OCGN SH討論區(6)之 妹到2046
社會旁觀者 2021-2-27 20:37:30 賺夠就走




潮州打撚 2021-2-27 20:37:30 Phase 3 有信心
自己諗啦濕鳩 2021-2-27 20:44:34
黐膠線 2021-2-27 20:58:00 勁啊
黑狗老婆愛3P 2021-2-27 21:09:52 我要射啦
山中無山莫山山 2021-2-27 21:37:28 信念必勝
怪獸大學男神 2021-2-27 22:19:38 此回覆已被刪除
戴個口罩好難咩 2021-2-27 22:36:48
醫你$300 2021-2-27 23:56:23 有無夢遺
國泰cadet 2021-2-28 00:03:04 集思廣益

黑狗老婆愛3P 2021-2-28 00:25:18


奶茶溝檸檬 2021-2-28 00:26:27 係咁就大家都好
奶茶溝檸檬 2021-2-28 00:31:03 “They have to first bring the interim efficacy data in adults. They are yet to submit it,” the source told The Indian Express on condition of anonymity. “Without knowing about the efficacy in adults, the committee felt it was not advisable to (administer the vaccine in trials on) children yet.”

Tests on children: Expert panel asks Bharat Biotech to submit Covaxin efficacy data (https://indianexpress.com/article/india/tests-on-children-expert-panel-asks-bharat-biotech-to-submit-covaxin-efficacy-data-7203592/ )
奶茶溝檸檬 2021-2-28 00:32:13 應該有排先可以對細路仔做試驗
自己諗啦濕鳩 2021-2-28 00:33:57 如果你想短炒 去其他股到,依度唔岩你
山中無山莫山山 2021-2-28 00:36:57
奶茶溝檸檬 2021-2-28 00:43:59 我幾時有話短炒
國泰cadet 2021-2-28 00:51:17 係囉 我就係記得佢話要交左phase three 先比做小朋友既trial.......但唔知點解我印象中又好多人話得佢係小朋友打得
如日中天派弟子 2021-2-28 02:04:41 留俾OCGN嘅時間已經唔多啦
尖子 2021-2-28 08:15:18 傳下傳下咪變到咁
尖子 2021-2-28 09:01:43


黑狗老婆愛3P 2021-2-28 09:25:38
尖子 2021-2-28 09:28:44
怪獸大學男神 2021-2-28 09:53:51 此回覆已被刪除
黑狗老婆愛3P 2021-2-28 10:00:56