拜登:中國長期被西方妖魔化 維吾爾種族屠殺不過是中國文化規範
opensource 2021-2-17 15:47:25 https://hk.appledaily.com/international/20210217/ERZJF27QDVFK7P742GRIBWYPH4/


opensource 2021-2-17 15:53:13 https://news.now.com/home/international/player?newsId=424308
連儂貓 2021-2-17 15:56:20 變撚左藍屍啦佢
新米探偵 2021-2-17 16:01:11 Biden : 山係石頭海係水


Mainstream : 拜登話大帽山係山既話一定就係石頭。

Jamiexx 2021-2-17 16:08:58 真係認為自己有原罪
硬膠胸奴 2021-2-17 16:17:34 此回覆已被刪除
硬膠胸奴 2021-2-17 16:18:40 此回覆已被刪除
硬膠胸奴 2021-2-17 16:19:34 此回覆已被刪除
飛天意麵神 2021-2-17 16:21:03
空降獵兵 2021-2-17 16:21:08
硬膠胸奴 2021-2-17 16:21:54 此回覆已被刪除


硬膠胸奴 2021-2-17 16:25:20 此回覆已被刪除
黃大仙氣 2021-2-17 16:31:25 到時都玩鳩完
靖子 2021-2-17 16:35:18 兩。黨。共。識。
Luxion 2021-2-17 16:37:23 愛侵力:我睇唔到,總之拜登奶共, all talk no action, MAGA
BCG 2021-2-17 17:13:11 原來班撚樣有個圍爐自high區

好心啦 班人同熱狗一樣
畀返個頭我 2021-2-17 17:14:07 明明上一秒都個個跟緊樓主風話拜登開到口奶共,炒咗車即刻變all talk no action
老鳳 2021-2-17 17:17:39 此回覆已被刪除
一嘈交就精神 2021-2-17 17:28:11 d登粉死晒?
傷心1999 2021-2-17 17:41:06 fuck China Joe
熱血軒達臣 2021-2-17 17:47:40 "China is trying very hard to become the world leader. And to get that moniker and be able to do that they have to gain the confidence of other countries. And as long as they are engaged in activity that is contrary to basic human rights, it's going to be hard for them to do that," Biden explained


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was not prepared to label the ongoing human rights abuses in China's Xinjiang province against the Uyghur people a genocide, saying the term needed to be "properly justified and demonstrated."

Trudeau's hesitance, he says, was "so as not to weaken the application of genocide in situations in the past."



唔識買bond 2021-2-17 18:01:10 糟敗燈
得左膠得天下 2021-2-17 21:07:30 登粉:睇唔到
偽術家 2021-2-17 22:20:34 香港人係對上幾十年嘅政治上淨係識飯來張口
真・女神嘉欣 2021-2-17 23:24:57 痴撚線,好癲喎呢段說話