拜登:中國長期被西方妖魔化 維吾爾種族屠殺不過是中國文化規範
大期即日 2021-2-17 13:37:14 敖狗出黎講兩句


得左膠得天下 2021-2-17 13:37:37 一到Trump 時代就即刻收皮
搵返我自己 2021-2-17 13:37:41 老衲啲膠post 口吻
裸奔漢堡包 2021-2-17 13:37:42 佢地會話自己唔撐侵唔代表我撐拜登
K2-155d 2021-2-17 13:37:43 嘔心
勿通膠類 2021-2-17 13:37:47 慢慢睇

溫哥華陳浩南 2021-2-17 13:38:02
得左膠得天下 2021-2-17 13:38:42 拜登一上就開始臭串,之前收哂皮
溫哥華陳浩南 2021-2-17 13:38:44 衲dee都冇咁撚西
搵返我自己 2021-2-17 13:39:29 轉頭攞埋諾貝爾和平獎
@斯羅@ 2021-2-17 13:41:12 Go
Team China


山花妺妺 2021-2-17 13:41:18 樓主第一段同標題已經譯錯
雪梨哥 2021-2-17 13:41:38 默認屠殺印第安人
畀返個頭我 2021-2-17 13:41:57 https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/02/17/china-uyghurs-human-rights-joe-biden-town-hall-vpx.cnn

特登剪走there will be repercussions for China jm9
荷爾蒙大酒店 2021-2-17 13:42:36 此回覆已被刪除
大期即日 2021-2-17 13:44:00 條撚屌呀叻黎
我荃都要 2021-2-17 13:44:26 ISIS仲唔嗱嗱聲拍返條片話斬頭同炸彈人係佢哋獨有文化叫西方國家收嗲
得左膠得天下 2021-2-17 13:44:45 "I point out to him no American president can be sustained as a president, if he doesn't reflect the values of the United States. And so the idea is, that I am not going to speak out against what he's doing in Hong Kong, what he's doing with the Uyghurs in the western mountains of China and Taiwan trying to end the one China policy by making it forceful...he gets, it culturally there are different norms that each country and that leaders are expected to follow," Biden said.
ktkt 2021-2-17 13:45:23 USA就快變成中国美利堅省
畀返個頭我 2021-2-17 13:47:39 侵粉又扮睇唔到
無綫新聞出賣港人 2021-2-17 13:56:39 成段講話係講緊佢同雜種嘅電話
The idea is, that個語意根本就唔係講佢自己嘅idea係咁
he will not be speaking out abt HK, TW, Uyghurs呢個idea係唔可能


勿通膠類 2021-2-17 13:58:05 即係口講囉
老夫子母奶 2021-2-17 14:00:12 美國value 係對暴政視而不見?
膠智的kai龍 2021-2-17 14:00:58 the damage is done, 認錯有用咩
勿通膠類 2021-2-17 14:03:58 成個對話喺曬到,個 repercussions 係乜先,『關注加譴責』呀。現在好明顯回返克仔同奧馬年代

Asked about his call with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, President Biden said that the US "must speak up on human rights" and that there will "be repercussions for China" over human rights abuses.

"There will be repercussions for China and [Xi Jinping] knows that," Biden said

"What I'm doing is, making clear that, we, in fact, are going to continue to reassert our role as spokespersons for human rights at the UN and other agencies that have an impact on their attitude," Biden told CNN's Anderson Cooper during tonight's town hall.

Biden went on to describe what he told the Chinese leader with regards to human rights and the United States' stance.

"I point out to him no American president can be sustained as a president, if he doesn't reflect the values of the United States. And so the idea is, that I am not going to speak out against what he's doing in Hong Kong, what he's doing with the Uyghurs in the western mountains of China and Taiwan trying to end the one China policy by making it forceful...he gets, it culturally there are different norms that each country and that leaders are expected to follow," Biden said.

"China is trying very hard to become the world leader. And to get that moniker and be able to do that they have to gain the confidence of other countries. And as long as they are engaged in activity that is contrary to basic human rights, it's going to be hard for them to do that," Biden explained

Biden ended his answer by noting that the issue and China policy in general is "much more complicated than that, I shouldn't try to talk China policy in 10 minutes on television."