拜登:中國長期被西方妖魔化 維吾爾種族屠殺不過是中國文化規範
空条徐倫 2021-2-17 12:35:57 拜登:中國長期被西方妖魔化 


You know Chinese leaders, you know about Chinese history, it has always been, the time when China has been victimised by the outer world.

It’s when they haven’t been unified at home. So the central principle of Xi Jinping is that there must be a united tightening control in China. And he uses his rationale for the things he does based on that. I point out no American Presidents can be sustained as a president if he doesn’t reflect the values of the United States.

And so the idea I’m not speaking out against what he is doing in Hong Kong; what the Uyghurs in western mountains in China; Taiwan and One China Policy by making it forceful. He gets it. Cultural either are different norms in each country and their leaders are expected to follow.


空条徐倫 2021-2-17 12:37:13 嬲到有少少聽錯打錯,麻煩幫手執一執手民之誤
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空条徐倫 2021-2-17 12:38:58 And so the idea I’m not speaking out against what he is doing in Hong Kong; what the Uyghurs in western mountains in China; Taiwan and One China Policy by making it forceful.

Don't驚熱 2021-2-17 12:39:02
皇帝都係瞓張床 2021-2-17 12:39:56 屌佢老母閪,可唔可以叫李柱銘出嚟解釋下?
玻璃膠槍 2021-2-17 12:40:17 事實係中国長期妖魔化西方 (非我族類 其心必異)
『屎』路比 2021-2-17 12:40:28 此回覆已被刪除
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驚西咩 2021-2-17 12:40:55 下面d 美國五毛留言先驚嘆
連登cd_rom 2021-2-17 12:41:02 China Joe


係咁上下啦 2021-2-17 12:41:13 共產黨同民主黨
食飯啦 2021-2-17 12:41:41 Nazi 好無辜
夕樹中子 2021-2-17 12:43:10 Do you mean that Nazi genocide is a "different norm"?
波台 2021-2-17 12:43:22 Ching 條片佢係咪未講完

CoronaZombie 2021-2-17 12:44:45 令人不敢置信
pop子 2021-2-17 12:44:49
南韓金仔 2021-2-17 12:45:34 d左膠又睇唔到
冬令時間 2021-2-17 12:46:08 64是中國民精主神體驗
MAGA 2021-2-17 12:46:40 Culturally there are different norms in each country and their leaders are expected to follow.
Mochimochi 2021-2-17 12:51:23




警妻修理員 2021-2-17 12:52:02
狗眼看人妻 2021-2-17 12:52:31 此回覆已被刪除
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