BNO visa approved - 有問題,盡答,希望幫到人
黒猫BB 2021-2-24 16:52:05 想問下樓主同屋企人係咪都有本有效BNO喺手?



@ISG 2021-2-24 16:56:32 為什麼要登記?
@ISG 2021-2-24 16:57:50 我同太太都有有效的BNO. Reapplied in 2019
黒猫BB 2021-2-24 16:58:49 謝解答
亞士厘BB 2021-2-24 17:05:45 住址證明個item你交左乜
Toyotaractis 2021-2-24 17:05:56 以往非UK/EU PASSPORT持有人都要同LOCAL POLICE登記
所以以前搾bno apply work visa就唔洗登記 hksar就要
但過程好簡單 london就可能要拎籌等下 因為太多人
我當年係birmingham係直入就得 10分鐘搞掂 好似百幾鎊
@ISG 2021-2-24 17:07:54 去話「入境」。 我以為只係去拿BRP
@ISG 2021-2-24 17:08:41 Repeated many time above La.. HK, bank statement , UK , AirBnB
條鏈好重 2021-2-24 17:10:12 想問下 可唔可去到英國先再申請bno visa
Toyotaractis 2021-2-24 17:10:51 印象中係指定時間內拎到BRP再去local police register
大桐世界 2021-2-24 17:11:58 祝你喺英國搵到適合的教會


andrewyl 2021-2-24 17:15:51 如果手上無 renew BNO , 淨係用特衰登記 bno Visa , 理論上係要去。
但實際上係睇 HO sticker 而決定駛唔駛過去 police .

夕樹中子 2021-2-24 17:15:59 可以, 但一定要在 3月 31日之前
You can enter the UK on ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ until 31 March 2021.
@ISG 2021-2-24 17:29:40 Otherwise , as visitors first? Exit and reentry with the bno visa
夕樹中子 2021-2-24 17:46:06 After 31 March 2021, I'm not sure if BNO families can enter the UK as visitor and change the status to BNO visa without leaving the UK. Formal consultation to the Home Office is advised.
@ISG 2021-2-24 20:52:00 Agreed 💪🏻
HK-UK 2021-2-25 02:03:02 此回覆已被刪除
醜婦終須變家翁 2021-2-25 02:28:26
HK-UK 2021-2-25 02:33:41 此回覆已被刪除
的士狗狗 2021-2-25 02:45:03 此回覆已被刪除
被誘捕的怜 2021-2-25 03:12:28 拿,官方指引講明筆錢要擺一個月嘅


5fiver 2021-2-25 06:32:34 由申請到批有無其他email覆進度?

小弟一家都係1月31申請,2月1號去center ,尋日收到email話processing 緊,唔知幾時批
@ISG 2021-2-25 06:37:42 We did at the same time with you , but the first email received is “approved” 🧐. Add oil .. hope u can get it soon
@ISG 2021-2-25 06:39:07 A friend of Mine.. didn’t . But u think really need to check The visa if it is asked,
茄雲遮 2021-2-25 10:14:16 請問樓主有無scan and upload曬護照內頁有出入境印仔嘅頁面?謝謝