BNO visa approved - 有問題,盡答,希望幫到人
迷你巨鵰 2021-2-19 11:34:34 此回覆已被刪除


@ISG 2021-2-19 11:37:40 其實,我不擔心,信英國是講法治,講道理的地方,只要真心過去落地生根,不是想找「精」面,不會因小問題要你一家返港。
陳奕迅Fans 2021-2-19 11:41:39 到時可唔可以再報告下拎唔拎到mpf
@ISG 2021-2-19 11:42:18 Sure ...😀
firsttimer 2021-2-19 11:44:28 此回覆已被刪除
andrewyl 2021-2-19 11:49:40
@ISG 2021-2-19 12:10:17 HSBC said UK addr not a must
andrewyl 2021-2-19 12:21:01
@ISG 2021-2-19 12:25:15 My MPF is in HSBC, MPF wsd2 is needed and also MMB-WSD2 because my current scheme is ORSO.. u may better check the form of your MPF company
andrewyl 2021-2-19 12:34:34
丁滿 2021-2-19 12:38:51 常居證明係咪只係bno 主申請人先要比


@ISG 2021-2-19 12:39:11 Not yet for HSBC.. as I found out that I needed to checkout the MMB matter from my ORSO first
@ISG 2021-2-19 12:41:27 Well ., all I can tell is that we have only provided the bank statement (may not even uploaded for kids ) . Nothing else has any HK address on it

And we got the approval .
andrewyl 2021-2-19 12:42:23 ok got it . thanks !!
cowcowdk 2021-2-19 12:58:46 請問你個target date填左幾時?
@ISG 2021-2-19 12:59:21 Early Apr
cowcowdk 2021-2-19 13:02:32 Thanks,我無預佢收走本bno,book左3月中機票,希望佢真係會睇日期黎處理
@ISG 2021-2-19 13:06:45 我之前一樣擔心要改機票、AirBnB..... 不過我覺得佢地未必跟our target date .... 多數跟交齊資料。

佳佳 2021-2-19 16:29:05 請問由頭到尾有冇打過電話比樓主你?
@ISG 2021-2-19 16:31:25 No . No call , no email until the approval decision
佳佳 2021-2-19 16:36:27 Thank you


小你老闆 2021-2-19 16:37:24
果度咪有電話囉 2021-2-19 17:29:13 請問樓主home office 封email 係馬尼拉office 定英國office 寄的?
@ISG 2021-2-19 17:40:00 Manila for mine
剛服香港 2021-2-19 17:45:25 有機會印咗你BRP 到
到時你去post office 拎你個BRP 可以留意下