鹽香小豬件 2021-5-2 20:00:18 TayTay依然屌打


爆乳愛好者 2021-5-2 20:14:41 係幾正嘅
Usarmy 2021-5-3 00:05:19 Be張cover
老麥點餐機 2021-5-3 00:38:26

佢個樣好唔襯呢啲衫 好似就咁P佢個頭上去
咩事? 2021-5-3 01:05:05 此回覆已被刪除
鹽香小豬件 2021-5-3 07:36:01 成首歌勁老土勁核凸

MV又難睇 好慶幸佢隻垃圾碟光速斷氣

TayTay同佢一樣0 promo但係冠得耐勁多
7r 2021-5-4 02:09:20 Billboard Hot 100: #1(+5) Save Your Tears, The Weeknd & Ariana Grande [20 weeks]. *new peak*

We won
7r 2021-5-4 02:12:32 Ariana Grande is now the artist with the most #1 hits on the Hot 100 in the 2020s decade, breaking a tie with BTS (4).
7r 2021-5-4 02:12:56 "Save Your Tears" is the sixth #1 hit on the Hot 100 for both The Weeknd and Ariana Grande.
7r 2021-5-4 02:20:36 Every album to produce three #1 hits on the Hot 100 since 2010:
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry (5)
Loud - Rihanna (3)
21 - Adele (3)
1989 - Taylor Swift (3)
Purpose - Justin Bieber (3)
Scorpion - Drake (3)
After Hours - The Weeknd (3)
鹽香小豬件 2021-5-4 02:32:10


7r 2021-5-4 02:46:20 Ariana Grande joins Paul McCartney and becomes the first female artist in Hot 100 history to earn three #1 duets (stuck with u, Rain On Me & Save Your Tears Remix).
頸上有隻咖哩雞 2021-5-4 04:02:12 Katy
wejuststrangers 2021-5-4 07:59:28 queen of collaboration
7r 2021-5-4 10:35:01
7r 2021-5-4 19:25:09 Billboard Hot 100: #11(+2) Blinding Lights, The Weeknd [73 weeks]. *peak: #1 for 4 weeks*
7r 2021-5-4 19:28:14 Billboard Bubbling Under Hot 100: #15(new) Your Power, Billie Eilish. *half day of tracking*
7r 2021-5-4 19:28:50 Billboard Hot 100: #66(+15) pov, Ariana Grande [8 weeks]. *peak: #40*
7r 2021-5-5 17:48:02 J. Cole's new album 'The Off-Season' will be released next Friday, May 14.
啫喱肥牛煲 2021-5-6 00:31:28 queen of flop就有佢份
啫喱肥牛煲 2021-5-6 00:33:27 mariah being irrelevant


牛愛行後樓梯 2021-5-6 01:53:50 隻牛都一早上左神壇
不要忘記我 2021-5-6 16:13:30 好耐冇買CD,大家知唔知邊度買算便又係黃?
一直是一個人 2021-5-7 07:13:31 Coldplay - Higher Power
世間的粒子 2021-5-7 09:43:14 此回覆已被刪除