Canon 用戶討論區(23)MOKO 20樓新毒氣室開幕 一闊三大
2.718281828 2021-2-24 02:53:13 問左某manager.
Canon lens 全球缺貨 香港妙唔到鏡咁濟

佢官網寫果d 兩三個月 係 at least 要等既數黎


幻覺嚟嘅 2021-2-24 21:23:17 CLS支紅圈神燈粒電都成k
尹光頭仔 2021-2-24 23:57:31 買嗰個正傻鳩
Hey派對動物 2021-2-25 03:27:19

華拉利好行唔送 2021-2-25 05:08:14 Canon production issues to be resolved by the end of March

I have spoken to multiple retailers in Canada, Europe and the United States and it appears that Canon has been informing them that camera and lens inventory issues will likely be resolved by the end of March.

No one went into great detail, as I’m sure Canon didn’t either. We can just assume that the supply chain is going to improve to normal levels following the Chinese New Year and quarantine regulations for factories.

With that, we can get ready for major camera and lens announcements in and around June. One retailer did mention that there would be new NDA’s signed in April or May. I was told a while ago the first half of 2021 would be a bit boring, but that the second half of the year would be exciting.

More to come…


好尊重三文魚 2021-2-25 09:10:13 想問下 我岩岩登記r6保養冇幾耐
官網要幾耐先send email比我 去換領個優惠?
朴彩瑛(SOLO) 2021-2-25 14:50:19 支100500依家升到25000 咁貴
丸走睪飛(一粒) 2021-2-25 15:35:31 Canon全線紅圈同R系列都可以SH
葡萄老祖個老母 2021-2-25 16:22:08 如果想用r6黎拍cinematic video
Go_Marine 2021-2-25 16:43:07 邊到賣到25000
廁紙飛機 2021-2-25 17:01:32 我諗好多都係有價無貨?


沒有一個是蘑菇 2021-2-25 18:51:11 咩係cinematic video?
廁紙飛機 2021-2-25 19:02:45 影街邊啲樹葉+slow mo+淺景深+orange & teal
尹光頭仔 2021-2-25 19:04:16 Cinematic係你對眼同個腦 唔關枝鏡事
沒有一個是蘑菇 2021-2-25 19:09:06 咁我建議iphone + filmic pro
超級大爆炸 2021-2-25 21:40:30 有無爸打已買powershot zoom?
尹光頭仔 2021-2-25 22:12:12 兩三日
reganlam 2021-2-25 22:47:07 普通人唔會買
好尊重三文魚 2021-2-26 13:45:36 有冇ching想入r6 我有一部全新冇開過箱行貨 想快手出左佢
幻覺嚟嘅 2021-2-26 14:38:26 In 2888 we trust
reganlam 2021-2-26 15:14:01 2888相信好多人等緊


(MAGA)伯母有難 2021-2-26 15:22:20 等緊
幻覺嚟嘅 2021-2-26 15:42:45 紅圈信仰燈今日出貨
葡萄老祖個老母 2021-2-26 15:51:24 Canon rf 35mm f1.8 拍片會唔會好嘈?
尹光頭仔 2021-2-26 16:01:25 冇人買咪快