ZOM坐穩區(1 )
羊咩1234bb 2021-2-13 00:18:01 俾啲溫暖你


Strong哭 2021-2-13 00:23:17 2.8
有種就大聲笑 2021-2-13 10:29:06 悶咗兩日 2.33上車
🐰齊嚟🐼齊嚟 2021-2-13 14:28:03 此回覆已被刪除
五色學倉頡 2021-2-13 19:23:28 此回覆已被刪除
總之就係你唔岩 2021-2-13 20:37:41 新既科技,好似我地用緊汽油車突然有電車咁
請勿緊握扶手 2021-2-13 21:42:34 短期有冇得上3?
熊啤啤啤住我 2021-2-13 22:06:15 最衰無cash 想瘋狂加倉
樂天古天樂 2021-2-14 15:42:06 Lm
幾時先有女朋友 2021-2-14 15:47:54 咁有信心?
有種就大聲笑 2021-2-14 17:47:55 https://stockinvest.us/stock/ZOM

the stock is expected to rise 247.06% during the next 3 months and, with a 90% probability hold a price between $4.13 and $9.83 at the end of this 3-month period.



唔關我事㗎 2021-2-14 19:11:09 無股災咪得
就咁啦好嘛 2021-2-15 17:20:19 呢個網嘅分析格式一式一樣,好似系統gen出黎咁
點撚知Jet 2021-2-15 17:22:08 回多小小就入
有種就大聲笑 2021-2-15 19:17:22 https://fintel.io/so/us/zom/vanguard-group

Vanguard 增加 ownership 係咩好事

利申: 傻散
就咁啦好嘛 2021-2-15 19:35:41 啱啱好奇search埋佢對tesla嘅分析

“Given the current short-term trend, the stock is expected to rise 79.52% during the next 3 months and, with a 90% probability hold a price between $1 465.10 and $1 750.58 at the end of this 3-month period.”

有種就大聲笑 2021-2-15 19:38:06
fat fat

賤種公僕 2021-2-15 19:45:05 此回覆已被刪除
我啊媽個波罩你 2021-2-15 19:49:32 2.8@200 想溝
鳩硬有親戚 2021-2-15 20:38:14 此回覆已被刪除
我啊媽個波罩你 2021-2-15 21:31:51 咩日子


SteveRogers 2021-2-15 21:41:50
我啊媽個波罩你 2021-2-15 21:52:30 大家會幾錢溝
巴絲肛年 2021-2-15 22:01:20 呢隻有無歐盤
SteveRogers 2021-2-15 22:21:22