LIHKG BNO Visa周日17:00開放網上申請 2月23日起可使用手機app完成整個申請程序
Phoebechan 2021-1-29 10:52:40 其實係


魚翅航空無女 2021-1-29 10:52:59 純Mc?
Phoebechan 2021-1-29 10:53:01
肥_仔 2021-1-29 10:53:48 ORAL呀
高潮撚吹茜 2021-1-29 10:55:13 TB Test個到....睇完都唔明....咁申請係要TB Test....批左之後就6個月後都唔洗?6個月後入境都唔洗!?

Applying from inside the UK

If you are already in the UK, Jersey, Guernsey, or the Isle of Man, and your last grant of permission was for 6 months or less (for example you were granted ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ at the border), you must provide a TB test certificate.

This can either be from an approved centre in the UK in the UK or, if you already obtained a TB test certificate before travelling to the UK, from an approved test centre outside the UK. The certificate must still be valid (unexpired) on the date of application.

You will not need to provide a TB test certificate if you were last given permission to stay in the UK for more than 6 months and you’ve provided a TB test certificate before.
我不是機械式 2021-1-29 10:55:16 此回覆已被刪除
剛服香港 2021-1-29 10:55:29
灰灰的天 2021-1-29 10:56:11 我本身係Bno身分 但係本Bno過期續領仲未到手 咁我咁既情況點搞好?
魚翅航空無女 2021-1-29 10:56:19 okok
多蒙特 2021-1-29 10:56:50
今天只做三件事 2021-1-29 10:57:33 我只係想請佢哋一直都有upload biometric passport 呢樣嘢
但係要做呢個步驟係要網上填咁application form 先再用app upload
以佢其他visa 嘅做法, 係app 同 web 都要, 而唔係揀其中一樣用

You must start your application and create your UK Visas and Immigration account online at GOV.UK before you use the app.

Using the QR code
A QR code is a black and white square barcode that connects the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app to your application. You can find the QR code on the web page for your application when you select ‘Confirm your identity’. It does not appear in your identity document.


Phoebechan 2021-1-29 10:57:35 依家到左咩步驟?

多蒙特 2021-1-29 10:57:37
今天只做三件事 2021-1-29 10:58:05 我只係想
多蒙特 2021-1-29 10:58:14 唔係話過期都去得咩
灰灰的天 2021-1-29 10:59:13 可以用特衰申請visa?
入左境再換番Bno ?
豬腳蛋薑醋 2021-1-29 10:59:34 7000人應該都係D中產人 成家走個D
豬的 2021-1-29 10:59:35
Phoebechan 2021-1-29 10:59:39 佢過左期續領緊,但未到手
Helll 2021-1-29 10:59:42 又唔係有限額,塞住條隊做麥?

Phoebechan 2021-1-29 11:00:30 用特衰申請左就係用特衰,佢check到你有bno身分就得


lebron 2021-1-29 11:00:37 政府多數會搞封網
Phoebechan 2021-1-29 11:00:40 應該係
Phoebechan 2021-1-29 11:01:05
Phoebechan 2021-1-29 11:01:28
