K_Tierney 2021-2-4 09:22:35 巴打,你自己試下計下EE夠唔夠分,我有個屋企人係個邊PR, 加加下都夠分,當然要考ielts



新冠人民共和國 2021-2-4 09:27:04 此回覆已被刪除
Haul-away 2021-2-4 09:30:53 父母不嬲可以

Wi1dTurt1e 2021-2-4 09:38:56 打算去讀兩年 Diploma,都驚讀讀下落閘,少咗呢條 Directly apply to pr嘅路
1. 2021-2-4 09:46:01 慢慢等 保守黨議員仲研究緊
好頭痛 2021-2-4 09:52:43 look at express entry and provincial nominee programs, you may already be eligible for PR applications ar
屌你條撚 2021-2-4 09:54:04
唔好咁痴線 2021-2-4 10:34:16 此回覆已被刪除
唔好咁痴線 2021-2-4 10:36:45 此回覆已被刪除
劉淑儀(姐姐) 2021-2-4 10:54:26
Haul-away 2021-2-4 10:59:08 唔知依家
以前要公司幫你搞個working visa
唔幫你搞就bye bye
所以有d仆街公司就恰d員工出低人工黎幫佢哋搞working visa


漆少陣好嗎 2021-2-4 11:46:29 但係好似有得加分
美利堅特區 2021-2-4 11:51:27 此回覆已被刪除
CNTower 2021-2-4 11:52:56 Liberal Party
好頭痛 2021-2-4 12:02:01 https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/B-C-Provincial-Nominee-Program/BC-PNP-Tech-Pilot
BC has gone so far to issue weekly invitations, so I think 衰極有譜?
but not sure about the details of job propsects ar, I'm just a peanut guy
美利堅特區 2021-2-4 12:04:02 此回覆已被刪除
好頭痛 2021-2-4 12:05:17 you can try getting a job offer, then try different provincial nominee programs (PNP)
different provinces have different requirements, its complicated

but if you can't get a PNP AND cannot get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), then you need to leave la
新冠人民共和國 2021-2-4 12:05:46 此回覆已被刪除
齋藤畢鳥 2021-2-4 12:05:49 加拿大笑話:自由黨

美利堅特區 2021-2-4 12:05:58 此回覆已被刪除
好頭痛 2021-2-4 12:08:15 true ar
好多employer 一定要local qualifications
同埋要睇埋有冇accredited courses, 加拿大好多嘢要考牌


好頭痛 2021-2-4 12:08:55 or maybe Nova Scotia, or other REALLY 開荒牛省
美利堅特區 2021-2-4 12:10:25 此回覆已被刪除
漆少陣好嗎 2021-2-4 12:25:49 如果廿幾歲嘅話會有另外15分,加埋都唔錯嘅
CNTower 2021-2-4 12:28:02 Justin is the worst