肥美絲 2021-1-25 11:47:00 最怕遇到呢類同事


希望你幸福快樂 2021-1-25 12:13:03 你都痴撚線
波特蘭 2021-1-25 16:15:58 你諗到咁多野去反駁我, 咁你自己一早應該有答案

但你偏偏出post 話睇唔開, 代表你連自己都説服唔到, 接受唔到個事實

你明顯知自己係工人, 但唔想認啫
容易受傷的熊人 2021-1-25 17:23:31 我見你句句都講到咁老定, 好奇問下姐。
日光低潛 2021-1-25 17:56:22 現實同理論既野
如果廿幾歲 都重有時間可以改變既
地獄廚神陳節倫 2021-1-25 19:14:31 我男人黎其實 你真係cls
Chill人 2021-1-25 19:20:03 老婆搵6萬幾,老公2萬幾
但係供樓就6 比 4

cfy001 2021-1-25 19:21:34 臭鴨, 收皮啦
相川七瀬 2021-1-25 19:24:43 供樓只有一個人名我覺得好合理
SingKinKungKai 2021-1-25 19:28:15 去到150咁後先有呢個comment
山上游呀 2021-1-25 20:21:17 條女已大怨氣 ,唔甘心,覺得自己值得好啲,佢個日係發洩。


我想讀書 2021-1-25 21:52:01 睇到半睇唔落去。咁大個男人婚都結埋仲學人講志願學人砌木屋仔,唔講以為果個唔係你老婆係你老母

ysijugamos 2021-1-25 22:37:27 佢生日送張離婚申請書比佢

一生一世愛滋 2021-1-25 22:50:42 你冇同佢認真溝通。唔知你點識佢 但如果你地係同一個起跑線 一早就應該要講
Cylmomt 2021-1-25 22:53:23 遲啲想送有冇得送
橫掂啲錢留返喺度 都係用嚟擺
富江姊妹 2021-1-25 23:58:25 珍惜啦 真係貪錢就唔會同樓主呢種人一齊
富江姊妹 2021-1-25 23:58:54 樓主可以收皮了
富江姊妹 2021-1-26 00:00:47 有錢vs窮人 完。
金錢價值觀唔對等 冇話邊個錯邊個啱
日光低潛 2021-1-26 00:44:32 世界真細小

執波仔梅拿 2021-1-26 02:22:22 都結咗婚點解唔俾哂D錢叫老婆管理?佢要買咪係戶口度出,煩惱小好多
萊佛士 2021-1-26 08:16:37 You sure


萊佛士 2021-1-26 08:20:02 B. Pre-marital agreements and public policy

Historically, pre-marital agreements were regarded as being contrary to public policy on the grounds that provision for a divorced wife and children of the family is a matter of public concern. In UK case Bennett v Bennett, the court said that “it is in the public interest that the wife and children of a divorced husband should not be left dependent on public assistance or on charity when he has the means to support them”.

For example, if a party had not given full and frank disclosure before the signing of the pre-marital agreement and the wife is left destitute under the agreement, the agreement may be contrary to public policy. Another example might be that since the marriage, the parties' financial situations may have drastically changed (for the better or worse), thus what was initially agreed under the pre-marital agreement might not be “fair” or reflective of the parties’ living standard during the marriage.

Later, the UK court in the Radmachner case stated that pre-marital agreements are not contrary to public policy. However, this view is just of persuasive value in Hong Kong. Furthermore, pre-marital agreements cannot restrict parties from applying to the court for orders for financial arrangements.

In 2011, the Hong Kong court briefly acknowledged the Radmacher case, and stated an observation of the modern trend of nuptial agreements being recognized. However, Radmacher is not binding in law in Hong Kong. Until the Courts in Hong Kong or the legislature fully accept the binding effect of nuptial agreements, nuptial agreements, other than separation agreements, will continue not to be binding in a court of law. Nevertheless, the UK decisions have provided Hong Kong courts with some guidance on the status of nuptial agreements when determining ancillary relief and asset division in matrimonial matters
會員或用戶名稱 2021-1-26 08:21:42 此回覆已被刪除
撫胸玩乳 2021-1-26 08:22:15 假撚到
小狸呀爸 2021-1-26 08:39:53 結婚後其實係共產了