Fatso 2021-1-21 18:11:41 依家咁少客, 1個鐘turnaround 做到嘅


我攪藝術嘅 2021-1-21 18:13:03 咁其實我都唔係真係識

Dhesut 2021-1-21 18:14:00 貨機咪嚟得
魚翅航空無女 2021-1-21 18:15:56 Cargo唔得呀,唔好話747F,連767F A330/300F兩個鐘夠落貨唔夠上貨
毛神論 2021-1-21 18:18:04 同隻毒傾左deal,運貨無事,運人先會傳染
破壞性創新型契仔 2021-1-21 18:18:18 此回覆已被刪除
JJ55699 2021-1-21 18:18:50 肚既貨呢
N700S 2021-1-21 18:19:03 睇篇新聞咁講就計喇
魚翅航空無女 2021-1-21 18:19:29 過境司機唔計,船員又唔計
Fatso 2021-1-21 18:20:22 客機機肚平時都係咁做, 反而上面有巴打話係大貨機做唔到
音音 2021-1-21 18:22:20 真係封關都無用啦,見日日咁多妓女偷渡嚟香港就知非法入境話咁易。


魚翅航空無女 2021-1-21 18:26:02 早幾日ABC 744F先玩咗次特長貨物,淨落貨已經兩個幾鐘
我攪藝術嘅 2021-1-21 18:26:57 //All foreign aircrew are currently required to take designated transport to hotels, isolate in their rooms throughout their stay and pass a Covid-19 test before flying in. Local aircrew are tested on arrival in Hong Kong and have to stay in a hotel for 24 hours while waiting for their results.//

fatso巴 內文都係有提你所講嘅現行做法

//According to three sources familiar with the plan, the government is considering ordering pilots and cabin crew, including local staff, to quarantine in a hotel if they stay in Hong Kong for more than two hours.//

Quarantine 得就要做足14/21日?
Hyde666 2021-1-21 18:30:18 此回覆已被刪除
燕麥曲奇 2021-1-21 18:31:36 此回覆已被刪除
黑命好撚貴 2021-1-21 18:34:25 foreign airlines shd be ok??
允行大戰陳老師 2021-1-21 18:34:56 行船嗰啲隔離未?
姆明爸爸 2021-1-21 18:36:09
Fatso 2021-1-21 18:36:32 所以佢主要係想搞因航啲本地職員, 因為對任何政府, 只要你啲外國人唔出房就無影響, 反而依家啲本地人坐24個鐘就可以放出嚟嗰part 佢想郁
來揮一揮手 2021-1-21 18:37:35 中国人黎既照舊
牟世法王 2021-1-21 18:38:44 有咩問題?仲可以減少炒人速度


牟世法王 2021-1-21 18:39:33 長途機點會得一隊crew啊
上高登勿諗真 2021-1-21 18:41:14 鎖國is coming
連尼往 2021-1-21 18:42:59 咁咪唔layover
直接黎換crew turnaround走人
人不滅支支自滅 2021-1-21 18:43:42 運BNO同supporting documents都夠做啦