LIHKG [突發] 侵侵離開DC歡送會,現場插上「金邊」花旗!?
孫中山個仔 2021-1-20 22:18:42

金邊花旗代表美國進入「軍管」!即係Martial Law


雲海 2021-1-20 22:20:01 可唔可以清小小
孫中山個仔 2021-1-20 22:25:27

雲海 2021-1-20 22:26:09 即係最底有金邊就係代表軍管?
孫中山個仔 2021-1-20 22:26:47 應該係,除非唔係
龐佩奧(已投共) 2021-1-20 22:28:31 Traditionally, the flag may be decorated with golden fringe surrounding the perimeter of the flag as long as it does not deface the flag proper. Ceremonial displays of the flag, such as those in parades or on indoor posts, often use fringe to enhance the appearance of the flag. Traditionally, the Army and Air Force use a fringed flag for parade, color guard and indoor display, while the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard use a fringeless flag for all occasions.
孫中山個仔 2021-1-20 22:28:38

係Lin Wood喺telegram度暗示我先煥然大悟。
孫中山個仔 2021-1-20 22:31:56 但係平時我係未見過金邊花旗咯
灰山 2021-1-20 22:32:21 在典禮上使用的國旗以及遊行或室內旗幟通常會用金 邊 咪on9 啦 成日唔fc
灰山 2021-1-20 22:34:17 即係你平時太撚蠢啦 人講你又信 仲要post 出黎 軍管唔撚講出聲 換支旗做乜尻? 為左暗地進行又換乜撚野旗呀 用下腦啦 傻尻
龐佩奧(已投共) 2021-1-20 22:35:13




龐佩奧(已投共) 2021-1-20 22:39:47


孫中山個仔 2021-1-20 22:42:54 While the most probable theory regarding the gold fringe is that it originated in the U.S. Army, another theory is that it’s used to designate Admiralty courts. An admiralty court is a court system that operates under martial law.

Jonrumana 2021-1-20 22:43:29 唔好衝出嚟啦
龐佩奧(已投共) 2021-1-20 22:44:36 debunked conspiracy theory
民主黨死全家 2021-1-20 22:47:01 咁都有得j
搭巴士返學 2021-1-20 22:47:21
神州黑客人數多 2021-1-20 22:51:06 英文廢就咪撚開po啦
孫中山個仔 2021-1-20 22:54:19 我炒車咯,以為Admiralty courts係軍事法庭之類吖嘛。
龐佩奧(已投共) 2021-1-20 22:57:36







龐佩奧(已投共) 2021-1-20 23:01:14 侵粉平均智商-100
灰山 2021-1-20 23:01:56 我都係侵粉 你智商仲低
中山大笨象 2021-1-20 23:02:49 救命
SpookyBoogie 2021-1-20 23:04:57 樓主弱智 大家唔好笑佢啦