(Netflix) Bling Empire
蝦仔爹哋 2021-1-20 18:51:22 雖然知道有劇本



接龍燈神 2021-1-20 18:57:21 kim 有啲似kylie jenner
我劉晶 2021-1-20 19:13:18 我覺得有d 似 林建岳女兒
誠實逗黑鮑 2021-1-20 20:25:46 睇晒八集 有錢人既世界真係好難理解
我劉晶 2021-1-20 21:28:27 你覺得kevin 催眠個到 真定假
朴星化 2021-1-20 21:38:07 kim呀媽好好笑

more tits
On9痴線貓 2021-1-20 21:50:48 Kim好乞人憎!!!入人地屋企扔人地啲嘢仲唔道歉覺得自己冇錯
On9痴線貓 2021-1-20 22:02:31 Andrew係咪因為知kelly有錢先一直痴住佢
(苦笑) 2021-1-20 22:08:30 有可能啦 但明知佢係米飯班主就唔好咁痴線

我劉晶 2021-1-20 22:57:11 但係佢之後佢老豆死左 好似好左好多
我劉晶 2021-1-20 22:58:28 但係kelly d 首飾係假野


波波馬卡龍 2021-1-21 00:52:13 反而覺得佢真誠啲,真係有心去改善佢地嘅關係

朴星化 2021-1-21 01:00:11 anna好大方

同kevin kane都好幫佢
戀愛的壽司 2021-1-21 01:55:40 anna有錢過佢啦 Christine仲走去show off
戀愛的壽司 2021-1-21 01:57:19 想知點解Kelvin融入到佢地圈子
KimDan 2021-1-21 01:59:32 睇相 shaman 通靈 催眠
仲要講到全部都好準咁 似做戲多
我劉晶 2021-1-21 08:01:43 唔係因為識左kane 咩

不過其實真心想知 其他人點睇kevin
誠實逗黑鮑 2021-1-21 11:16:00 根本成套野都好假
Sansa 2021-1-21 12:59:20 Model Kevin Kreider is the “everyman” of Bling Empire. Unlike his rich friends in the clique, he says he pays just $1,000 in rent for his room in a shared house. He’s meant to ground the show after being introduced into the wealthy group.

Having said all this, he’s still a millionaire – and richer than some of his co-stars. He was the focus in the 2019 documentary “The Ugly Model” and is the CEO of his own company in Los Angeles, Taejin Entertainment LLC. He also works as a coach, giving people advice on nutrition and fitness. Maybe he just doesn’t act rich rich, like the others
Sansa 2021-1-21 13:05:42 比佢fake 左
五毛pr狗有限公司 2021-1-21 13:06:11 此回覆已被刪除


五毛pr狗有限公司 2021-1-21 13:06:28 此回覆已被刪除
五毛pr狗有限公司 2021-1-21 13:07:11 此回覆已被刪除
五毛pr狗有限公司 2021-1-21 13:07:53 此回覆已被刪除
固固力 2021-1-21 13:16:52 我上網睇到有篇咁寫
Meet Kevin Kreider, a Korean American living in Los Angeles with aspirations of becoming a model. And no, he’s not actually rich, but it was part of the plan. The show’s creator Jeff Jenkins told The Oprah Magazine that Kreider had got to know the other members for a full year before filming began. He’s now part of the crew and has even become best friends with one of the cast members—but you’ll have to watch the show to find out who it is.