[The Final Battle lll ] 美國大選情報討論 22
啤酒花 2021-1-20 15:32:43 99.9%


Arianrhod 2021-1-20 15:33:06 trump特赦左班農等人

如果將來開電視台 應該會合作
你條撚樣 2021-1-20 15:33:46 CIA已經清除曬deep
硬膠胸奴 2021-1-20 15:40:32 此回覆已被刪除
普巴洛迪力架 2021-1-20 15:45:44 咪撚FF
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-20 15:46:03
我登必勝 2021-1-20 15:57:48

JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-20 16:01:30 11 hrs

我能屈能申 2021-1-20 16:02:55 Military is the only way?

If the Joint Chiefs wanted to act now, could they? No. Why? Because a legally appointed Commander in Chief exists up until exactly noon on the 20th.

At this moment they can only act on Trumps orders. They are waiting for an order that isn’t coming. Bear with me.

However, at exactly noon authority transfers to a new President, IF one exists legally.

If the military knows a President was illegally sworn in, are they obligated to obey? No. Their oath is to the Constitution.

So... at exactly noon the military, for the first time, has independent authority to BEGIN certain actions, in the absence of a legal President.

What actions? Whatever actions necessary to see that a new lawfully appointed civilian government is put in place.

請你吻屎 2021-1-20 16:03:25

嘩 屌 係某個群見到
大不列顛人 2021-1-20 16:06:18 特赦阿桑奇


你條撚樣 2021-1-20 16:06:57 睇黎冇得做
笨笨森 2021-1-20 16:07:10 popcorn night
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-20 16:11:32

Radiohead 2021-1-20 16:11:55 Documents being declassified. This one wasn't properly redacted and shows the FBI paid for the dossier. https://gab.com/John_Galt1970/posts/105586353275519397
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-20 16:12:02 好快又推爆post

侵侵乎三代之遺意 2021-1-20 16:12:05 此回覆已被刪除
JANUARYSIXTHINDC 2021-1-20 16:14:55

It is not wrong, in any way, to want to base the Ethos of the American Republic under the ideals of a democratic Land of the Free and defenders of Freedom.

But the question is:
— Are Americans in fact free?
— Is the Freedom that America really swears to defend with strength and fists so "free"?
— Is the American democracy, which US Govt always rejoice to be the "strongest in the world", is in fact Democratic, transparent and "involuble"?

The latest events demonstrate that maybe, just "maybe" is not how the things really are.

Just see how your upcoming government is being inaugurated, dear American reader.

Not even some of the countries whose your government, that is, the US Government, accuse of being "Authoritarian regimes" show that they are so afraid of their own people or need such militarization to give a show of strength to ordinary people, not even in the face of protests or color revolutions, as the US has done on the last week

Maybe it's a prelude to something bigger
Something like a Martial Law
Klopp_lfc 2021-1-20 16:17:15
你條撚樣 2021-1-20 16:17:31 戒嚴法
HITOMEBORE 2021-1-20 16:19:31



請你吻屎 2021-1-20 16:25:23 有冇信心推到30?
請你吻屎 2021-1-20 16:25:43
加納龜 2021-1-20 16:26:04 兩年後美國都分裂了
請你吻屎 2021-1-20 16:26:45 登:我嘅能力係可以控制病毒彈出彈入